Chinese translation for DataTables

  • Author: Chi Cheng
  • Author: Gustavo Prieto
  • Author: Eric Guo ???
  • Author: Jay Jang
  • Author: Mr.xu
  • Author: DDElehant
  • Author: William
  • Author: LittlePaw
  • Author: LinLiang
Language Plug-in for Chinese


There are a number of ways to make use of this translation in your DataTables.

Browser loading / CDN

Loading DataTables' language information directly in the browser is done with the .json file:


You DataTables initialisation might look like this:

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {
    language: {
        url: '//',

ES modules

If you are using ES modules (e.g. with Vite or similar bundler), then can use the package (.mjs files), which this translation is available in. In such a case your initialisation code might look like:

import DataTable from '';
import language from '';

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {


If you are using CommonJS (i.e. in an older version of Node or Webpack), the translation files can be loaded in from the .js files which will return the JSON structure for the translation (note that unlike the other DataTables plug-ins it does not return a function to be executed - just a JSON object):

var $ = require('jquery');
var DataTable = require('')(window, $);
var language = require('');

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {
    language: language,

Plug-in code

    "search": "搜索:",
    "paginate": {
        "first": "首页",
        "previous": "上页",
        "next": "下页",
        "last": "末页"
    "autoFill": {
        "cancel": "取消",
        "fill": "用 <i>%d<\/i> 填充所有单元格",
        "fillHorizontal": "水平填充单元格",
        "fillVertical": "垂直填充单元格",
        "info": "自动填充信息示例"
    "buttons": {
        "colvis": "列可见性",
        "copy": "复制",
        "copyTitle": "复制到剪贴板",
        "csv": "CSV",
        "excel": "Excel",
        "pdf": "PDF",
        "pageLength": {
            "-1": "显示所有行",
            "_": "显示 %d 行",
            "1": "显示 1 行"
        "print": "打印",
        "copyKeys": "按 Ctrl 或 u2318 + C 键将表中数据复制到系统剪贴板。<br \/><br \/>要取消,请单击此消息或按 Escape 键。",
        "copySuccess": {
            "1": "已复制 1 行到剪贴板",
            "_": "已复制 %d 行到剪贴板"
        "createState": "创建状态",
        "removeAllStates": "删除所有状态",
        "removeState": "删除",
        "renameState": "重命名",
        "stateRestore": "状态 %d",
        "updateState": "更新",
        "collection": "集合<span class=\"ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s\"><\/span>",
        "colvisRestore": "重置可见性",
        "savedStates": "保存的状态"
    "searchBuilder": {
        "button": {
            "0": "搜索生成器",
            "_": "搜索生成器 (%d)"
        "clearAll": "全部清除",
        "condition": "条件",
        "data": "数据",
        "title": {
            "0": "搜索生成器",
            "_": "搜索生成器 (%d)"
        "value": "值",
        "conditions": {
            "date": {
                "equals": "等于",
                "after": "早于",
                "before": "晚于",
                "between": "介于",
                "empty": "为空",
                "not": "非",
                "notBetween": "不介于",
                "notEmpty": "非空"
            "number": {
                "between": "介于",
                "empty": "为空",
                "equals": "等于",
                "gt": "大于",
                "gte": "大于等于",
                "lt": "小于",
                "lte": "小于等于",
                "not": "非",
                "notBetween": "不介于",
                "notEmpty": "非空"
            "string": {
                "contains": "含有",
                "empty": "为空",
                "endsWith": "结尾为",
                "equals": "等于",
                "not": "非",
                "notEmpty": "非空",
                "startsWith": "开头为",
                "notContains": "不含有",
                "notStartsWith": "开头不为",
                "notEndsWith": "结尾不为"
            "array": {
                "equals": "等于",
                "empty": "为空",
                "contains": "含有",
                "not": "非",
                "notEmpty": "非空",
                "without": "无"
        "add": "添加条件",
        "deleteTitle": "删除筛选规则",
        "logicAnd": "与",
        "logicOr": "或",
        "leftTitle": "组合规则",
        "rightTitle": "取消组合规则"
    "searchPanes": {
        "clearMessage": "全部清除",
        "collapse": {
            "0": "搜索面板",
            "_": "搜索面板 (%d)"
        "count": "{total}",
        "countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
        "emptyPanes": "没有搜索面板",
        "loadMessage": "正在加载搜索面板...",
        "showMessage": "全部显示",
        "collapseMessage": "全部折叠",
        "title": "激活的筛选 - %d"
    "infoThousands": ",",
    "thousands": ",",
    "datetime": {
        "amPm": [
        "minutes": "分",
        "months": {
            "0": "1月",
            "1": "2月",
            "10": "11月",
            "11": "12月",
            "2": "3月",
            "3": "4月",
            "4": "5月",
            "5": "6月",
            "6": "7月",
            "7": "8月",
            "8": "9月",
            "9": "10月"
        "seconds": "秒",
        "previous": "上月",
        "next": "下月",
        "hours": "时",
        "unknown": "-",
        "weekdays": [
    "editor": {
        "close": "关闭",
        "create": {
            "button": "新建",
            "submit": "创建",
            "title": "创建新记录"
        "edit": {
            "button": "编辑",
            "submit": "更新",
            "title": "编辑记录"
        "multi": {
            "restore": "撤销更改",
            "title": "多个值",
            "noMulti": "此字段可以单独编辑,不可以组合编辑。",
            "info": "选择的多条记录的此字段含有不同的值。要编辑并将所有记录的此字段都设为相同的值,请单击或点按这里,否则它们会保持各自的值不变。"
        "remove": {
            "button": "删除",
            "submit": "删除",
            "title": "删除",
            "confirm": {
                "_": "确定要删除 %d 行?",
                "1": "确定要删除 1 行?"
        "error": {
            "system": "出现了系统错误 (<a target=\"\\\" rel=\"\\ nofollow\" href=\"\\\">更多信息&lt;\\\/a&gt;)。<\/a>"
    "loadingRecords": "正在加载...",
    "processing": "正在处理...",
    "decimal": ".",
    "emptyTable": "表中没有数据",
    "select": {
        "cells": {
            "1": "已选择 1 个单元格",
            "_": "已选择 %d 个单元格"
        "columns": {
            "1": "已选择 1 列",
            "_": "已选择 %d 列"
        "rows": {
            "1": "已选择 1 行",
            "_": "已选择 %d 行"
    "zeroRecords": "没有找到匹配的记录",
    "stateRestore": {
        "creationModal": {
            "button": "创建",
            "columns": {
                "search": "列搜索",
                "visible": "列可见性"
            "name": "名称:",
            "order": "排序",
            "paging": "分页",
            "search": "搜索",
            "searchBuilder": "搜索生成器",
            "select": "选择",
            "title": "创建新状态",
            "toggleLabel": "包括:",
            "scroller": "滚动定位"
        "duplicateError": "已存在使用此名称的状态。",
        "emptyError": "名称不能为空。",
        "emptyStates": "没有保存的状态",
        "removeConfirm": "确定要删除 %s?",
        "removeError": "删除状态失败。",
        "removeJoiner": "和",
        "removeSubmit": "删除",
        "removeTitle": "删除状态",
        "renameButton": "重命名",
        "renameLabel": "%s 的新名称:",
        "renameTitle": "重命名状态"
    "info": "正在显示第 _START_ 至 _END_ 条记录,共 _TOTAL_ 条",
    "infoEmpty": "正在显示第 0 至 0 条记录,共 0 条",
    "infoFiltered": "(筛选自全部 _MAX_ 条记录)",
    "lengthMenu": "显示 _MENU_ 条记录",
    "aria": {
        "sortAscending": ": 激活以按升序排序此列",
        "sortDescending": ": 激活以按降序排序此列"


If you have any ideas for how this plug-in can be improved please go to the translations plug-ins page and click the Contribute button to submit corrections and additions.