Japanese translation for DataTables

  • Author: yusuke
  • Author: Seigo ISHINO
  • Author: jhang94
  • Author: Alan Savage
  • Author: Jacques Deguest
Language Plug-in for Japanese


There are a number of ways to make use of this translation in your DataTables.

Browser loading / CDN

Loading DataTables' language information directly in the browser is done with the .json file:


You DataTables initialisation might look like this:

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {
    language: {
        url: '//cdn.datatables.net/plug-ins/2.0.5/i18n/ja.json',

ES modules

If you are using ES modules (e.g. with Vite or similar bundler), then can use the datatables.net-plugins package (.mjs files), which this translation is available in. In such a case your initialisation code might look like:

import DataTable from 'datatables.net';
import language from 'datatables.net-plugins/i18n/ja.mjs';

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {


If you are using CommonJS (i.e. in an older version of Node or Webpack), the translation files can be loaded in from the .js files which will return the JSON structure for the translation (note that unlike the other DataTables plug-ins it does not return a function to be executed - just a JSON object):

var $ = require('jquery');
var DataTable = require('datatables.net')(window, $);
var language = require('datatables.net-plugins/i18n/ja.js');

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {
    language: language,

Plug-in code

    "emptyTable": "テーブルにデータがありません",
    "info": " _TOTAL_ 件中 _START_ から _END_ まで表示",
    "infoEmpty": " 0 件中 0 から 0 まで表示",
    "infoFiltered": "(全 _MAX_ 件より抽出)",
    "infoThousands": ",",
    "lengthMenu": "_MENU_ 件表示",
    "loadingRecords": "読み込み中...",
    "processing": "処理中...",
    "search": "検索:",
    "zeroRecords": "一致するレコードがありません",
    "paginate": {
        "first": "先頭",
        "last": "最終",
        "next": "次",
        "previous": "前"
    "aria": {
        "sortAscending": ": 列を昇順に並べ替えるにはアクティブにする",
        "sortDescending": ": 列を降順に並べ替えるにはアクティブにする"
    "thousands": ",",
    "buttons": {
        "colvis": "項目の表示\/非表示",
        "csv": "CSVをダウンロード",
        "collection": "コレクション"
    "searchBuilder": {
        "add": "条件を追加",
        "button": {
            "0": "カスタムサーチ",
            "_": "カスタムサーチ (%d)"
        "clearAll": "すべての条件をクリア",
        "condition": "条件",
        "conditions": {
            "date": {
                "after": "次の日付以降",
                "before": "次の日付以前",
                "between": "次の期間に含まれる",
                "empty": "空白",
                "equals": "次の日付と等しい",
                "not": "次の日付と等しくない",
                "notBetween": "次の期間に含まれない",
                "notEmpty": "空白ではない"
            "number": {
                "between": "次の値の間に含まれる",
                "empty": "空白",
                "equals": "次の値と等しい",
                "gt": "次の値よりも大きい",
                "gte": "次の値以上",
                "lt": "次の値未満",
                "lte": "次の値以下",
                "not": "次の値と等しくない",
                "notBetween": "次の値の間に含まれない",
                "notEmpty": "空白ではない"
            "string": {
                "contains": "次の文字を含む",
                "empty": "空白",
                "endsWith": "次の文字で終わる",
                "equals": "次の文字と等しい",
                "not": "次の文字と等しくない",
                "notEmpty": "空白ではない",
                "startsWith": "次の文字から始まる",
                "notContains": "次の文字を含まない",
                "notStartsWith": "次の文字で始まらない",
                "notEndsWith": "次の文字で終わらない"
        "data": "項目",
        "title": {
            "0": "カスタムサーチ",
            "_": "カスタムサーチ (%d)"
        "value": "値"
    "autoFill": {
        "cancel": "キャンセル",
        "fillHorizontal": "横でセルを書き込む",
        "fillVertical": "縦でセルを書き込む"


If you have any ideas for how this plug-in can be improved please go to the translations plug-ins page and click the Contribute button to submit corrections and additions.