ADHATODA VASICA GRANULATED EXTRACT Adhatoda Vasica Nees Vasicine 0,7% Leaf Fluidity of bronchial secretions. Well-being of the throat.
ANANAS GRANULATED FERMENTED Ananas sativus Schult Fruit and Stem Digestive function. Drainage of body fluids. Microcirculation functionalities (heavy legs).
ANDROGRAPHIS GRANULATED EXTRACT Andrographis paniculata Nees Andrographolide (10%) Tops Natural defenses. Digestive function. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
ARTICHOKE GRANULATED EXTRACT Cynara scoliymus L. Caffeoylquinic acids (1%, 2.5%, 5-6%, 7%, 13%) Leaf Functionality of the digestive system. Diuretic. Lipid-lowering agent.
BILBERRY GRANULATED EXTRACT Vaccinium myrtillus L. Anthocyanosid (1%, 2.5%, 5%, 15%, 25%; Ratio E:D = 1:4) Fruit Microcirculation functionalities (heavy legs). Antioxidant. Eye health. Regularity of intestinal transit.
BLACK CURRANT GRANULATED EXTRACT Ribes nigrum L. Ratio E:D = 1:4; Ratio E:D = 1:3 Leaf Drainage of body fluids. Functionality of the urinary tract. Joint function. Well-being of nose and throat.
BOSWELLIA RESIN GRANULATED EXTRACT Boswellia serrata Roxb. Boswellic Acids (65%, 75%) Resin Joint function. Functionality of the digestive system. Contrast of localized states of tension.
CARAWAY GRANULATED EXTRACT Carum carvi L. Ratio E:D = 1:4 Fruit Digestive function. Regularity of the gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Fluidity of bronchial secretions.
CENTELLA GRANULATED EXTRACT Centella asiatica L. Triterpenes (2%, 3%, 4%, 20%, 40% 45%; 20% vol) Leaf Contrast of cellulite. Microcirculation (heavy legs). Memory and cognitive functions.
CHAMOMILE SOFT EXTRACT Matricaria recutita L. syn. Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert syn. Matricaria chamomilla L. Ratio E:D = 1:4 Inflorescence Relaxation (sleep, in case of stress). Digestive function. Emollient and soothing.
CHESTNUT GRANULATED EXTRACT Castanea sativa Miller Ratio E:D = 1:4 Leaf Fluidity of bronchial secretions.
CORIANDER GRANULATED EXTRACT Coriandrum sativum L. Ratio E:D = 1:4 Fruit Digestive function. Regularity of the gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Antioxidant.
CRANBERRY GRANULATED EXTRACT Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait Proanthocyanidins (PACs) (40% UV; 2.77% BL-DMAC) Berry Functionality of the urinary tract. Drainage of body fluids. Antioxidant. Regularity of intestinal transit.
CURCUMA GRANULATED EXTRACT Curcuma longa L. Total Curcuminoids (10%, 20%) Rhizome Digestive function. Liver function. Functionality of the digestive system. Antioxidant. Joint function. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
DAMIANA GRANULARE Turnera diffusa Willd. var. aphrodisiaca Urban Ratio E:D = 1:4 Leaf Tonic adaptogen. Regularity of intestinal transit. Digestive function. Drainage of body fluids and functionality of the urinary tract. Aphrodisiac.
DANDELION GRANULATED EXTRACT Taraxacum officinale Web. Inulin (2% , 10%) Root Digestive function. Liver function. Regularity of intestinal transit. Purifying functions of the organism.
DOG ROSE GRANULATED EXTRACT Rosa canina L. C Vitamin (10%, 70%); Ratio E:D = 1:4 Fruit Natural defenses. Regularity of the intestinal transit.
ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA GRANULATED EXTRACT Echinacea angustifolia DC. Echinacoside (0,6%); Echinacoside (4%) Polysac. (20%) Root Natural defenses. Functionality of the urinary tract. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
ELDERBERRY GRANULATED EXTRACT Sambucus nigra L. Flavonoids (1.5%), Anthocyanosid (0.8%) Flowers and berry Natural defenses. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
ELEUTHEROCOCCUS GRANULATED EXTRACT Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. et Maxim.) Maxim (Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr. et Maxim.) Harms) Eleutherosides (0,4%; 0,8%) Saponins (5%; 10%) Root Tonic - adaptogen. Natural defenses. Memory and cognitive functions.
FENNEL GRANULATED EXTRACT Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Essential Oils (0.5%, 0,9-1-1%, 2%) Fruit Digestive function. Regularity of the gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Improve the fluidity of the bronchial secretions.
GINGER GRANULATED EXTRACT Zingiber officinale R. Total gingerols and shogaols (5%) Rhizome Digestive function. Regularity of the gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Anti-nausea. Regular functions of the cardiovascular system. Joint function. Contrast of localized states of tension. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
GINSENG GRANULATED EXTRACT Panax ginseng C.A. Mey. Ginsenosides (8% HPLC; 5%, 10%, 12%, 15%, 20%, 30% UV) Root Tonic adaptogen. Tonic (in case of physical and mental fatigue). Carbohydrate metabolism.
GINSENG SOFT EXTRACT Panax ginseng C.A. Mey. Ginsenosides (18% UV) Root Tonic adaptogen. Tonic (in case of physical and mental fatigue). Carbohydrate metabolism.
GOJI FERMENTED GRANULATED Lycium barbarum L. Rutin (50 ppm) Fruit Puree Antioxidant.
GOLDENROD GRANULATED EXTRACT Solidago virgaurea L. Ratio E:D = 1:4 Flowering tops Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
GRAPEFRUIT GRANULATED EXTRACT Citrus x parasidi Macfad Naringin (2%) Seed Antioxidant. Microcirculation functionality. Drainage of body fluids.
GRAPESEEDS GRANULATED EXTRACT Vitis vinifera L. Procyanidins (95% UV) Seed Microcirculation (heavy legs). Antioxidant.
GREEN ANISE GRANULATED EXTRACT Pimpinella anisum L. Ratio E:D = 1:4; Essential oil (0.5%) Fruit Digestive function. Fluidity of bronchial secretions. Well-being of nose and throat.
GRIFFONIA GRANULATED EXTRACT Griffonia simplicifolia (DC.) Baill. 5-HTP (20%, 25%, 30%) Seed Normal mood. Relaxation (sleep) and mental well-being. Improve the sense of hunger.
GRIFFONIA SOFT EXTRACT Griffonia simplicifolia (DC.) Baill. 5-HTP (12%) Seed Normal mood. Relaxation (sleep) and mental well-being. Improve the sense of hunger.
GRINDELIA GRANULATED EXTRACT Grindelia robusta Nutt. Ratio E:D = 1:4 Tops Balsamic effect. Emollient and soothing (oropharyngeal mucosa) and tone of the voice. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
GUARANÀ GRANULATED EXTRACT Paullinia cupana K. Caffeine (2.5%, 8%, 10%) Seed Tonic (in case of physical and mental fatigue). Stimulation of metabolism. Lipidic metabolism. Balance of body weight.
HAWTHORN GRANULATED EXTRACT Crataegus oxyacantha auct. Total Flavonoids as Vitexin (1%,1,5%) Flowers and leaves Regular functions of the cardiovascular system. Relaxation and mental well-being. Regularity of blood pressure.
HEATHER GRANULATED EXTRACT Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull Ratio E:D = 1:4 Tops Natural defenses. Functionality of the urinary tract.
HEATHER SOFT EXTRACT Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull Flavonoids (0.6%) Tops Natural defenses. Functionality of the urinary tract.
ICELAND MOSS GRANULATED EXTRACT Cetraria islandica Ach. Ratio E:D = 1:4 Thallus Fluidity of bronchial secretions. Emollient and soothing.
JAVA TEA GRANULATED EXTRACT Orthosiphon stamineus Benth Sinensetine (0.1%; 0.2%) Leaf Drainage of body fluids. Functionality of the urinary tract.
LEMON BALM GRANULATED EXTRACT Melissa officinalis L. Rosmarinic Acid (2%, 4%) Leaf Relaxation and mental well-being. Normal mood. Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
MACA GRANULATED EXTRACT Lepidium meyenii W. Ratio E:D = 1:4 Root Tonic adaptogen. Aphrodisiac.
MALLOW GRANULATED EXTRACT Malva sylvestris L. Ratio E:D = 1:4 Leaf Regularity of intestinal transit. Normal volume and consistency of stools. Fluidity of bronchial secretions. Emollient and soothing (digestive and urinary system). Emollient and soothing (oropharyngeal mucosa) and tone of the voice.
MARSHMALLOW 1:4 GRANULATED EXTRACT Althaea officinalis L. Ratio E:D = 1:4 Root Functionality of the mucous of the respiratory tract. Well-being of the throat. Intestinal transit. Emollient and soothing function on the digestive system. Emollient and soothing function on the urinary tract.
MILK THISTLE GRANULATED EXTRACT Silybum marianum Gaertn. Silymarin (1.5%, 2%, 20%, 70% UV) Fruit Liver function. Purifying functions of the organism. Digestive function.
MONASCUS RED YEAST RICE GRANULATED EXTRACT Oryza sativa L. – Monascus purpureus Monakolin K (3%, 1,5% ) Seed Lipid-lowering agent.
MUIRA PUAMA GRANULATED EXTRACT Ptychopetalum olacoides Benth Ratio E:D = 1:4 Bark Tonic adaptogen. Aphrodisiac.
MYRTLE GRANULATED EXTRACT Myrtus communis L. Tannins (25-30% UV) Leaf Fluidity of bronchial secretions. Well-being of nose and throat. Balsamic effect
OOLONG THE GRANULATED EXTRACT Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze Polyphenols (60%) Leaf Drainage of body fluids. Balance of body weight. Normal bowel function. Tonic (physical and mental fatigue). Antioxidant.
PAPAYA FERMENTED GRANULATED Carica papaya L. - Fruit Antioxidant. Natural defenses.
PASSION FLOWER GRANULATED EXTRACT Passiflora incarnata L. Flavonoids (2 –4%) Flower/herb Relaxation (sleep, in case of stress). Mental well-being. Regularity of the gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
PLANTAIN GRANULATED EXTRACT Plantago lanceolata L. Ratio E:D = 1:4 Leaf Emollient and soothing (oropharyngeal mucosa) and tone of the voice. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Functionality of the mucous of the respiratory tract. Digestive function.
POLYPODIUM LEUCATOMOS GRANULATED EXTRACT Polypodium leucotomos Poir Ratio E:D = 1:4 Leaf Tropism and function of the skin. Antioxidant.
POMEGRANATE GRANULATED EXTRACT Punica granatum L. Ellagic Acid (20%, 40%) Pericarp Digestive function. Natural defenses.
POMEGRANATE FRUIT GRANULATED Punica granatum L. - Whole fruit Antioxidant. Natural defenses.
RED POPPY GRANULATED EXTRACT Papaver rhoeas L. Ratio E:D = 1:4 Flowers Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Fluidity of bronchial secretions. Contrast of localized states of tension.
RHODIOLA GRANULATED EXTRACT Rhodiola rosea L. Rosavins (3%, 1%); Salidroside (1%) Rosiridin (1%) Root Tonic - adaptogen. Tonic (physical fatigue, mental). Normal mood.
SAW PALMETTO GRANULATED EXTRACT Serenoa repens (W. Bartram) Small. Fat Acids (5%, 25%, 30%, 40%) Fruit Prostate functionalities. Drainage of body fluids. Functionality of the urinary tract.
SEA BUCKTHORN Hippophae rhamnoides L. C Vitamin (10%) Fruit Regularity of intestinal transit. Digestive function. Support and tonic action. Tropism and function of the skin.
STAR ANISE GRANULATED EXTRACT Illicium verum Hook. Ratio E:D = 1:4 Fruit Digestive function. Fluidity of bronchial secretions. Well-being of nose and throat. Regular gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
SUNDEW GRANULATED EXTRACT Drosera ramentacea Burch Ratio E:D = 1:4 Tops Fluidity of bronchial secretions. Emollient and soothing (oropharyngeal mucosa) and tone of the voice.
SUNDEW SOFT EXTRACT Drosera ramentacea Burch Ratio E:D = 1:4; Flavonoids (0.1%) Tops Fluidity of bronchial secretions. Emollient and soothing (oropharyngeal mucosa) and tone of the voice.
TAMARIND GRANULATED EXTRACT Tamarindus indica L. Tartaric Acid (5%); Ratio E:D = 1:4 Fruit Regularity of intestinal transit. Normal volume and consistency of stools.
THYME GRANULATED EXTRACT Thymus vulgaris L. Ratio E:D = 1:4 Essential Oils (0,3%) Leaf Fluidity of bronchial secretions. Well-being of nose and throat. Digestive function. Regularity of the gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
VALERIAN GRANULATED EXTRACT Valeriana officinalis L. Valerenic Acids (0,3%, 0,42%, 0,8%) Root Relaxation (sleep, in case of stress).