function fnFormatDetails (oTableQuery, nTrQuery, data ) { var aDataQuery = oTableQuery.fnGetData( nTrQuery ); // var rowIndexQuery = parseInt(aDataQuery[1])-1;//get the index of the clicked row from index-column text value - which is 1 based return buildProjectTreeViewChildrenContent(data); } function Active(indicator){ return indicator > 0? 'No':'Yes'; } function loadTree(){ var projectname = sessionStorage.getItem('projectname'); var projectPriority = sessionStorage.getItem('projectpriority'); var status = sessionStorage.getItem('status'); if (projectname!==null || projectPriority !==null || status!==null){ $("#txtSearch").val(projectname.trim()); $("#priorityTxt").val(projectPriority.trim()); $("#statusOpt").val(status.trim()).change(); searchProjects(projectname.trim(),projectPriority.trim(),status.trim()); } else{ getTreeViewProjects(); } } function loadContentData(data){ sessionStorage.setItem('projects', JSON.stringify(data)); var contentBody = document.getElementById("contentBody"); contentBody.innerHTML = buildProjectTreeViewMainContent(data); RunTableBuilder(); } function getTreeViewProjects(){ $.ajax({ headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, Accept : "application/json", contentType: "application/json", method: "GET", url: "projects/treeviewprojects", dataType:'json', success: function(data) { loadContentData(data); }, error: function(xhr,err,thrownError){ alert("Error: "+err + "\nResponse Text: "+xhr.responseText + "\nMessage: "+thrownError + "\nready State: "+xhr.readyState + "\nStatus: "+xhr.status); } }); } function buildProjectTreeViewMainContent(data){ var queryTblRows = ''; for(i = 0; i < data.length; i++){ var project = data[i]; if (project.children > 0){ queryTblRows += ""; }else{ queryTblRows += ""; } var projectId = i+1 queryTblRows += "#" + ""+ projectId +""+ "" + ""+ +"" + "
" + ""+ project.createdDate +" by "+ project.createdBy +"" + "" + "" + project.resources.length +"" +""+ var taskProgress = 0; if( != null){ for(j = 0; j < project.tasks.length; j++){ var task = project.tasks[j]; if(task.status === 2){ complete = complete +1; } } } if(project.tasks != null && project.tasks.length > 0){ taskProgress = (complete)/(project.tasks.length)*100; }else{ taskProgress = 0; } // queryTblRows += "" queryTblRows+= "" +"" +"
" +"
" +"
" +""+ taskProgress +"% Complete" +"" +""; var btnStatus = ''; var status = ''; switch(taskProgress){ case 0: btnStatus="danger"; status="Not Started"; break; case 100: btnStatus="success"; status="Complete"; break; default: btnStatus="warning"; status="In Progress"; } queryTblRows += "" +"" +"" + Active(project.deactivate) +""; if (project.deactivate > 0){ queryTblRows += "" +" Activate " +""; } else{ queryTblRows += "" +" Deactivate " +""; } queryTblRows += ""; } return queryTblRows; } function buildProjectTreeViewChildrenContent(data){ var queryTblRows = ''; var str ='' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + ''+ '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + ''; for(i=0; i < data.length;i++){ var project = data[i]; queryTblRows += "" +"" +"" +"" +"" +"" +"" +""; if (project.deactivate > 0){ queryTblRows += ""; } else{ queryTblRows += ""; } queryTblRows += ""; } var returnString = str + queryTblRows + '
#Major TasksTeam MembersSystemsProject ProgressStatusActive#Edit
#" +""+ +"" +"
" +""+ project.createdDate +" by "+ project.createdBy +"" +"
" + project.resources.length +"" + var complete = 0; var taskProgress = 0; if( != null){ for(j = 0; j < project.tasks.length; j++){ var task = project.tasks[j]; if(task.status === 2){ complete = complete +1; } } } if(project.tasks != null && project.tasks.length > 0){ taskProgress = (complete)/(project.tasks.length)*100; }else{ taskProgress = 0; } //queryTblRows += "" queryTblRows+="" +"
" +"
" +"
" +""+ taskProgress +"% Complete" +"
"; var btnStatus = ''; var status = ''; switch(taskProgress){ case 0: btnStatus="danger"; status="Not Started"; break; case 100: btnStatus="success"; status="Complete"; break; default: btnStatus="warning"; status="In Progress"; } queryTblRows += "" +"" + Active(project.deactivate) +"" +" Activate " +"" +" Deactivate " +"
'; return returnString; } function RunTableBuilder(){ /* * Insert a 'details' column to the table */ var nCloneThQuery = document.createElement('th'); var nCloneTdQuery = document.createElement('td'); nCloneTdQuery.innerHTML = ''; nCloneTdQuery.className = "center"; $('#queriesTable thead tr').each( function () { this.insertBefore(nCloneThQuery, this.childNodes[0] ); }); $('#queriesTable tbody tr').each(function () { this.insertBefore(nCloneTdQuery.cloneNode( true ), this.childNodes[0]); } ); /* * Initialse DataTables, with no sorting on the 'details' column */ var oTableQuery = $('#queriesTable').dataTable({"paging": true,"searching": true, "aoColumnDefs": [ { "bSortable": false, "aTargets": [ 0 ] }, { "width": "2%", "targets": 0 } ], "aaSorting": [[1, 'asc']] //asc }); /* Add event listener for opening and closing details * Note that the indicator for showing which row is open is not controlled by DataTables, * rather it is done here */ $('#queriesTable').on("click", ".center",function () { var nTrQuery = $(this).parents('tr')[0]; if ( oTableQuery.fnIsOpen(nTrQuery) ) { /* This row is already open - close it */ this.children[0].src = "../plugins/advanced-datatable/images/details_open.png"; oTableQuery.fnClose( nTrQuery ); } else { /* Open this row */ this.children[0].src = "../plugins/advanced-datatable/images/details_close.png"; var aDataQuery = oTableQuery.fnGetData(nTrQuery); var rowIndexQuery = parseInt(aDataQuery[2]);//get the index of the clicked row from index-column text value - which is 1 based var projects = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('projects')); var projectId = projects[rowIndexQuery].id; $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: "projects/treeviewprojectchildren/"+ projectId }) .done(function(dataResults) { var dynClass = 'details_odd'; if(rowIndexQuery%2 !== 0) dynClass = 'details'; oTableQuery.fnOpen( nTrQuery, fnFormatDetails(oTableQuery, nTrQuery,dataResults), dynClass ); }); } } ); }