Catalan translation for DataTables

  • Author: Sergi
  • Author: Oriol Roselló Castells
  • Author: angel.navas
  • Author: Daniel
  • Author: program
  • Author: Jordi Sacristan
Language Plug-in for Catalan


There are a number of ways to make use of this translation in your DataTables.

Browser loading / CDN

Loading DataTables' language information directly in the browser is done with the .json file:


You DataTables initialisation might look like this:

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {
    language: {
        url: '//',

ES modules

If you are using ES modules (e.g. with Vite or similar bundler), then can use the package (.mjs files), which this translation is available in. In such a case your initialisation code might look like:

import DataTable from '';
import language from '';

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {


If you are using CommonJS (i.e. in an older version of Node or Webpack), the translation files can be loaded in from the .js files which will return the JSON structure for the translation (note that unlike the other DataTables plug-ins it does not return a function to be executed - just a JSON object):

var $ = require('jquery');
var DataTable = require('')(window, $);
var language = require('');

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {
    language: language,

Plug-in code

    "processing": "Processant...",
    "lengthMenu": "Mostra _MENU_ registres",
    "zeroRecords": "No s'han trobat registres",
    "info": "Mostrant del _START_ al _END_ d'un total de _TOTAL_ registres",
    "infoEmpty": "No hi ha registres disponibles",
    "infoFiltered": "(filtrat de _MAX_ registres)",
    "search": "Cerca:",
    "infoThousands": ".",
    "decimal": ",",
    "loadingRecords": "Carregant...",
    "paginate": {
        "first": "Primer",
        "previous": "Anterior",
        "next": "Següent",
        "last": "Darrer"
    "aria": {
        "sortAscending": ": Activa per ordenar la columna de manera ascendent",
        "sortDescending": ": Activa per ordenar la columna de manera descendent"
    "buttons": {
        "print": "Imprimeix",
        "copy": "Copia",
        "colvis": "Columnes",
        "copyTitle": "Copia al portapapers",
        "copySuccess": {
            "_": "%d files copiades",
            "1": "1 fila copiada"
        "pageLength": {
            "-1": "Mostra totes les files",
            "_": "Mostra %d files"
        "pdf": "PDF",
        "collection": "Col·lecció",
        "colvisRestore": "Restaurar visibilitat",
        "copyKeys": "Pressiona ctrl o poma + C per copiar les dades de la tabla al teu portapaper",
        "csv": "CSV",
        "excel": "Excel",
        "createState": "Crear Estat",
        "removeAllStates": "Borrar tots els Estats",
        "removeState": "Borra",
        "renameState": "Canviar nom",
        "savedStates": "Estats gravats",
        "stateRestore": "Restaura",
        "updateState": "Actualitza"
    "select": {
        "rows": {
            "_": "%d files seleccionades",
            "1": "1 fila seleccionada"
        "cells": {
            "1": "1 fila seleccionada",
            "_": "%d files seleccionades"
        "columns": {
            "1": "1 columna seleccionada",
            "_": "%d columnes seleccionades"
    "autoFill": {
        "cancel": "Cancel·lar",
        "fillHorizontal": "Omple les cel·les horitzontalment",
        "fillVertical": "Omple les cel·les verticalment",
        "fill": "Omple totes les cel·les amb <i>%d<\/i>"
    "thousands": ".",
    "datetime": {
        "hours": "Hora",
        "seconds": "Segons",
        "unknown": "Desconegut",
        "amPm": [
        "previous": "Anterior",
        "next": "Següent",
        "months": {
            "11": "Desembre",
            "10": "Novembre",
            "9": "Octubre",
            "7": "Agost",
            "5": "Juny",
            "4": "Maig",
            "3": "Abril",
            "2": "Març",
            "1": "Febrer",
            "0": "Gener",
            "6": "Juliol",
            "8": "Setembre"
        "weekdays": {
            "0": "Dg",
            "2": "Dt",
            "3": "Dc",
            "4": "Dj",
            "5": "Dv",
            "6": "Ds",
            "1": "Dl"
        "minutes": "Minuts"
    "editor": {
        "close": "Tancar",
        "create": {
            "button": "Nou",
            "title": "Crear nova entrada",
            "submit": "Crear"
        "edit": {
            "button": "Editar",
            "title": "Editar entrada",
            "submit": "Actualitzar"
        "remove": {
            "button": "Eliminar",
            "title": "Eliminar",
            "submit": "Eliminar",
            "confirm": {
                "_": "Està segur de voler eliminar %d files?",
                "1": "Està segur de voler elmiminar 1 fila?"
        "error": {
            "system": "Ha ocurregut un error de sistema (Més informació)"
        "multi": {
            "title": "Múltiples valors",
            "restore": "Desfés el canvi",
            "info": "El ítems seleccionats contenen diferents valors per aquesta entrada. Per editar i configurar tots els ítems per a aquesta entrada al mateix valor, prem o clica tabular aquí, sino, mantindran els seus valors individuals",
            "noMulti": "Aquest camp pot ser editat individualment; però no com a part d'un grup"
    "searchBuilder": {
        "add": "Afegir condició",
        "clearAll": "Eliminar tot",
        "condition": "Condició",
        "conditions": {
            "date": {
                "after": "Després",
                "before": "Abans",
                "between": "Entre",
                "empty": "Buit",
                "equals": "Iguals",
                "not": "No",
                "notBetween": "No entre",
                "notEmpty": "No buit"
            "number": {
                "between": "Entre",
                "empty": "Buit",
                "equals": "Iguals",
                "gt": "Major que",
                "gte": "Mejor o igual a",
                "lt": "Menor que",
                "lte": "Menor o igual a",
                "not": "No",
                "notBetween": "No entre",
                "notEmpty": "No buit"
            "string": {
                "contains": "Conté",
                "empty": "Buit",
                "endsWith": "Finalitza amb",
                "equals": "Iguals",
                "not": "No",
                "notEmpty": "No buit",
                "startsWith": "Comença amb",
                "notEndsWith": "No acaba amb",
                "notStartsWith": "No comença amb",
                "notContains": "No inclou"
            "array": {
                "equals": "Iguals",
                "empty": "Buit",
                "contains": "Conté",
                "not": "No",
                "notEmpty": "No buit",
                "without": "Sense"
        "data": "Data",
        "deleteTitle": "Esborrar regla de filtrat",
        "leftTitle": "Criteri de desindentació",
        "logicAnd": "I",
        "logicOr": "O",
        "rightTitle": "Criteri d'indentació",
        "value": "Valor",
        "title": {
            "_": "Constructor de cerca (%d)",
            "0": "Constructor de cerca"
        "button": {
            "_": "Constructor de cerca (%d)",
            "0": "Constructor de cerca"
    "searchPanes": {
        "collapse": {
            "0": "Panells de cerca",
            "_": "Panells de cerca (%d)"
        "count": "{total}",
        "countFiltered": "{monstrat} ({total})",
        "loadMessage": "Carregant panells de cerca",
        "collapseMessage": "Colapsar Tot",
        "clearMessage": "Esborrar tot",
        "emptyPanes": "No hi ha panells de cerca",
        "showMessage": "Mostrar-ho tot",
        "title": "Filtres actius - %d"
    "stateRestore": {
        "removeSubmit": "Eliminar",
        "removeJoiner": "i",
        "removeError": "Error eliminant el registre",
        "removeConfirm": "¿Segur que vol eliminar aquest %s?",
        "emptyError": "El nom no pot estar buit",
        "creationModal": {
            "button": "Crear",
            "columns": {
                "search": "Cerca per columnes",
                "visible": "Visibilitat de columnes"
            "name": "Nom",
            "order": "Ordenar",
            "toggleLabel": "Inclou:",
            "paging": "Paginació",
            "scroller": "Posició Scroll",
            "search": "Bñusqueda",
            "searchBuilder": "Generador Búsquedes",
            "title": "Crear nou Estat",
            "select": "Sel·lecció"
        "renameLabel": "Nou nom per %s",
        "duplicateError": "Ja existeix un estat amb aquest nom",
        "emptyStates": "No hi ha estats gravats",
        "removeTitle": "Borrar Estat",
        "renameButton": "Canviar nom",
        "renameTitle": "Canviar nom"
    "emptyTable": "No hi ha registres disponibles en aquesta taula"


If you have any ideas for how this plug-in can be improved please go to the translations plug-ins page and click the Contribute button to submit corrections and additions.