Chinese-traditional translation for DataTables

  • Author: GimmeRank Affiliate
  • Author: Peter Dave Hello
  • Author: garykillyou
  • Author: CY XU
  • Author: Timothy Chi
  • Author: ideaxme
  • Author: uioiu9420
  • Author: Jack Ting
  • Author: d0night
  • Author: Eric
Language Plug-in for Chinese-traditional


There are a number of ways to make use of this translation in your DataTables.

Browser loading / CDN

Loading DataTables' language information directly in the browser is done with the .json file:


You DataTables initialisation might look like this:

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {
    language: {
        url: '//',

ES modules

If you are using ES modules (e.g. with Vite or similar bundler), then can use the package (.mjs files), which this translation is available in. In such a case your initialisation code might look like:

import DataTable from '';
import language from '';

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {


If you are using CommonJS (i.e. in an older version of Node or Webpack), the translation files can be loaded in from the .js files which will return the JSON structure for the translation (note that unlike the other DataTables plug-ins it does not return a function to be executed - just a JSON object):

var $ = require('jquery');
var DataTable = require('')(window, $);
var language = require('');

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {
    language: language,

Plug-in code

    "processing": "處理中...",
    "loadingRecords": "載入中...",
    "paginate": {
        "first": "第一頁",
        "previous": "上一頁",
        "next": "下一頁",
        "last": "最後一頁"
    "emptyTable": "目前沒有資料",
    "datetime": {
        "previous": "上一頁",
        "next": "下一頁",
        "hours": "時",
        "minutes": "分",
        "seconds": "秒",
        "amPm": [
        "unknown": "未知",
        "weekdays": [
        "months": [
    "searchBuilder": {
        "add": "新增條件",
        "condition": "條件",
        "button": {
            "_": "複合查詢 (%d)",
            "0": "複合查詢"
        "clearAll": "清空",
        "conditions": {
            "array": {
                "contains": "含有",
                "equals": "等於",
                "empty": "空值",
                "not": "不等於",
                "notEmpty": "非空值",
                "without": "不含"
            "date": {
                "after": "大於",
                "before": "小於",
                "between": "在其中",
                "empty": "為空",
                "equals": "等於",
                "not": "不為",
                "notBetween": "不在其中",
                "notEmpty": "不為空"
            "number": {
                "between": "在其中",
                "empty": "為空",
                "equals": "等於",
                "gt": "大於",
                "gte": "大於等於",
                "lt": "小於",
                "lte": "小於等於",
                "not": "不為",
                "notBetween": "不在其中",
                "notEmpty": "不為空"
            "string": {
                "contains": "含有",
                "empty": "為空",
                "endsWith": "字尾為",
                "equals": "等於",
                "not": "不為",
                "notEmpty": "不為空",
                "startsWith": "字首為",
                "notContains": "不含",
                "notStartsWith": "開頭不是",
                "notEndsWith": "結尾不是"
        "data": "欄位",
        "leftTitle": "群組條件",
        "logicAnd": "且",
        "logicOr": "或",
        "rightTitle": "取消群組",
        "title": {
            "_": "複合查詢 (%d)",
            "0": "複合查詢"
        "value": "內容",
        "deleteTitle": "刪除篩選條件"
    "editor": {
        "close": "關閉",
        "create": {
            "button": "新增",
            "title": "新增資料",
            "submit": "送出新增"
        "remove": {
            "button": "刪除",
            "title": "刪除資料",
            "submit": "送出刪除",
            "confirm": {
                "_": "您確定要刪除您所選取的 %d 筆資料嗎?",
                "1": "您確定要刪除您所選取的 1 筆資料嗎?"
        "error": {
            "system": "系統發生錯誤(更多資訊)"
        "edit": {
            "button": "修改",
            "title": "修改資料",
            "submit": "送出修改"
        "multi": {
            "title": "多重值",
            "info": "您所選擇的多筆資料中,此欄位包含了不同的值。若您想要將它們都改為同一個值,可以在此輸入,要不然它們會保留各自原本的值。",
            "restore": "復原",
            "noMulti": "此輸入欄需單獨輸入,不容許多筆資料一起修改"
    "autoFill": {
        "cancel": "取消"
    "buttons": {
        "copySuccess": {
            "_": "複製了 %d 筆資料",
            "1": "複製了 1 筆資料"
        "copyTitle": "已經複製到剪貼簿",
        "excel": "Excel",
        "pdf": "PDF",
        "print": "列印",
        "copy": "複製",
        "colvis": "欄位顯示",
        "colvisRestore": "重置欄位顯示",
        "csv": "CSV",
        "pageLength": {
            "-1": "顯示全部",
            "_": "顯示 %d 筆"
        "createState": "建立狀態",
        "removeAllStates": "移除所有狀態",
        "removeState": "移除",
        "renameState": "重新命名",
        "savedStates": "儲存狀態",
        "stateRestore": "狀態 %d",
        "updateState": "更新",
        "collection": "更多"
    "searchPanes": {
        "collapse": {
            "_": "搜尋面版 (%d)",
            "0": "搜尋面版"
        "emptyPanes": "沒搜尋面版",
        "loadMessage": "載入搜尋面版中...",
        "clearMessage": "清空",
        "count": "{total}",
        "countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
        "showMessage": "顯示全部",
        "collapseMessage": "摺疊全部",
        "title": "篩選條件 - %d"
    "stateRestore": {
        "emptyError": "名稱不能空白。",
        "creationModal": {
            "button": "建立",
            "columns": {
                "search": "欄位搜尋",
                "visible": "欄位顯示"
            "name": "名稱:",
            "order": "排序",
            "paging": "分頁",
            "scroller": "卷軸位置",
            "search": "搜尋",
            "searchBuilder": "複合查詢",
            "select": "選擇",
            "title": "建立新狀態",
            "toggleLabel": "包含:"
        "duplicateError": "此狀態名稱已經存在。",
        "emptyStates": "名稱不可空白。",
        "removeConfirm": "確定要移除 %s 嗎?",
        "removeError": "移除狀態失敗。",
        "removeJoiner": "和",
        "removeSubmit": "移除",
        "removeTitle": "移除狀態",
        "renameButton": "重新命名",
        "renameLabel": "%s 的新名稱:",
        "renameTitle": "重新命名狀態"
    "select": {
        "columns": {
            "_": "選擇了 %d 欄資料",
            "1": "選擇了 1 欄資料"
        "rows": {
            "1": "選擇了 1 筆資料",
            "_": "選擇了 %d 筆資料"
        "cells": {
            "1": "選擇了 1 格資料",
            "_": "選擇了 %d 格資料"
    "zeroRecords": "沒有符合的資料",
    "aria": {
        "sortAscending": ":升冪排列",
        "sortDescending": ":降冪排列"
    "info": "顯示第 _START_ 至 _END_ 筆結果,共 _TOTAL_ 筆",
    "infoEmpty": "顯示第 0 至 0 筆結果,共 0 筆",
    "infoThousands": ",",
    "lengthMenu": "顯示 _MENU_ 筆結果",
    "search": "搜尋:",
    "searchPlaceholder": "請輸入關鍵字",
    "thousands": ",",
    "infoFiltered": "(從 _MAX_ 筆結果中篩選)"


If you have any ideas for how this plug-in can be improved please go to the translations plug-ins page and click the Contribute button to submit corrections and additions.