Uzbek translation for DataTables

  • Author: Farkhod Dadajanov
  • Author: Sirojkhuja
Language Plug-in for Uzbek


There are a number of ways to make use of this translation in your DataTables.

Browser loading / CDN

Loading DataTables' language information directly in the browser is done with the .json file:


You DataTables initialisation might look like this:

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {
    language: {
        url: '//',

ES modules

If you are using ES modules (e.g. with Vite or similar bundler), then can use the package (.mjs files), which this translation is available in. In such a case your initialisation code might look like:

import DataTable from '';
import language from '';

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {


If you are using CommonJS (i.e. in an older version of Node or Webpack), the translation files can be loaded in from the .js files which will return the JSON structure for the translation (note that unlike the other DataTables plug-ins it does not return a function to be executed - just a JSON object):

var $ = require('jquery');
var DataTable = require('')(window, $);
var language = require('');

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {
    language: language,

Plug-in code

    "info": "Umumiy _TOTAL_ yozuvlarlardan _START_ dan _END_ gachasi ko'rsatilmoqda",
    "infoEmpty": "Umumiy 0 yozuvlardan 0 dan 0 gachasi ko'rsatilmoqda",
    "infoFiltered": "(_MAX_ yozuvlardan filtrlandi)",
    "search": "Izlash:",
    "paginate": {
        "first": "Birinchi",
        "next": "Keyingi",
        "last": "Oxirgi",
        "previous": "Oldingi"
    "aria": {
        "sortAscending": ": to'g'ri tartiblash",
        "sortDescending": ": teskari tartiblash"
    "autoFill": {
        "cancel": "Bekor qilish",
        "fill": "Barcha kataklarni <i>%d<i><\/i><\/i> bilan to'ldirish",
        "fillHorizontal": "Kataklarni gorizontal to'ldirish",
        "fillVertical": "Kataklarni vertikal to'ldirish"
    "buttons": {
        "collection": "To'plam",
        "colvis": "Ustun ko'rinishi",
        "colvisRestore": "Tiklash ko'rinishi",
        "copy": "Nusxalash",
        "copyKeys": "Ma'lumotlarni vaqtinchalik xotiraga ko'chirib olish uchun <i>ctrl<\/i> ni yoki <i>u2318<\/i> + <i>C<\/i> ni bosing.<br><br> Bekor qilish uchun xabarni bosing yoki esc tugmasini bosing.",
        "copySuccess": {
            "1": "1 ta qator vaqtinchalik xotiraga ko'chirib olindi",
            "_": "%d ta qator vaqtinchalik xotiraga ko'chirib olindi"
        "copyTitle": "Vaqtinchalik xotiraga ko'chirib olish",
        "csv": "CSV",
        "excel": "Excel",
        "pageLength": {
            "-1": "Barcha qatorlarni ko'rsatish",
            "1": "1 ta qatorni ko'rsatish",
            "_": "%d ta qatorni ko'rsatish"
        "pdf": "PDF",
        "print": "Chop etish",
        "createState": "Holat yaratish",
        "removeAllStates": "Barcha holatlarni o'chirish",
        "removeState": "O'chirish",
        "renameState": "Qayta nomlash",
        "savedStates": "Saqlangan holatlar",
        "stateRestore": "Holat %d",
        "updateState": "Yangilash"
    "decimal": ".",
    "emptyTable": "Jadvalda ma'lumot mavjud emas",
    "infoThousands": ",",
    "lengthMenu": "_MENU_ ta yozuvlarni ko'rsatish",
    "loadingRecords": "Yuklanmoqda...",
    "processing": "Yuklanmoqda...",
    "searchBuilder": {
        "add": "Holat qo'shish",
        "clearAll": "Barchasini tozalash",
        "condition": "Holat",
        "conditions": {
            "date": {
                "empty": "Bo'sh",
                "equals": "Teng",
                "notEmpty": "Bo'sh emas"
            "number": {
                "empty": "Bo'sh",
                "equals": "Teng",
                "notEmpty": "Bo'sh emas"
            "string": {
                "empty": "Bo'sh",
                "equals": "Teng",
                "notEmpty": "Bo'sh emas"
            "array": {
                "equals": "Teng",
                "empty": "Bo'sh",
                "notEmpty": "Bo'sh emas"
        "data": "Ma'lumot",
        "deleteTitle": "Filtrlash qoidalarini tozalash",
        "logicAnd": "Va",
        "logicOr": "Yoki",
        "value": "Qiymat"
    "searchPanes": {
        "clearMessage": "Barchasini tozalash",
        "count": "{total}",
        "countFiltered": "{shown} ({total})",
        "title": "Faol filtrlar - %d",
        "showMessage": "Barchasini ko'rsatish",
        "collapseMessage": "Barchasini yopish"
    "searchPlaceholder": "Nima izlayapsiz?",
    "select": {
        "cells": {
            "1": "1 ta katak tanlandi",
            "_": "%d ta kataklar tanlandi"
        "columns": {
            "1": "1 ta ustun tanlandi",
            "_": "%d ta ustunlar tanlandi"
        "rows": {
            "1": "1 ta qator tanlandi",
            "_": "%d ta qatorlar tanlandi"
    "thousands": ",",
    "zeroRecords": "Mos keladigan ma'lumotlar topilmadi",
    "datetime": {
        "previous": "Oldingi",
        "next": "Keyingi",
        "hours": "Soat",
        "minutes": "Daqiqa",
        "seconds": "Soniya",
        "unknown": "-",
        "weekdays": [
        "months": [
    "editor": {
        "close": "Yopish",
        "create": {
            "button": "Yangi",
            "title": "Yangi ma'lumot yaratish",
            "submit": "Yaratish"
        "edit": {
            "button": "O'zgartirish",
            "title": "Ma'lumotni o'zgartirish",
            "submit": "Yangilash"
        "remove": {
            "button": "O'chirish",
            "title": "O'chirish",
            "submit": "O'chirish",
            "confirm": {
                "_": "Ushbu %d ta ma'lumotlarni o'chirishni hohlaysizmi?",
                "1": "Ushbu 1 ta ma'lumotni o'chirishni hohlaysizmi?"
        "error": {
            "system": "Tizimda xatolik yuz berdi (<a target=\"\\\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\\\">To'liqroq ma'lumot<\/a>)."
        "multi": {
            "title": "Bir nechta ma'lumot",
            "restore": "O'zgarishlarni bekor qilish"
    "stateRestore": {
        "creationModal": {
            "button": "Yaratish",
            "columns": {
                "search": "Ustundan qidirish",
                "visible": "Ustun ko'rinishi"
            "name": "Nomi:",
            "order": "Tartiblash",
            "paging": "Sahifalash",
            "search": "Qidirish",
            "select": "Tanlash",
            "title": "Yangi holat yaratish",
            "toggleLabel": "Shularni o'z ichiga oladi:"
        "duplicateError": "Ushbu nomdagi holat mavjud.",
        "emptyError": "Nomi bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas.",
        "emptyStates": "Saqlangan holatlar mavjud emas",
        "removeConfirm": "%s ni o'chirmoqchimisiz?",
        "removeError": "Holatni o'chirishda xatolik yuz berdi.",
        "removeJoiner": "va",
        "removeSubmit": "O'chirish",
        "removeTitle": "O'chirish holati",
        "renameButton": "Qayta nomlash",
        "renameLabel": "%s uchun yangi nom:",
        "renameTitle": "Qayta nomlash holati"


If you have any ideas for how this plug-in can be improved please go to the translations plug-ins page and click the Contribute button to submit corrections and additions.