Vertical scroll fitting
Back in 2015 I introduced a plug-in for DataTables which provides the ability to dynamically alter the page length of a table to have it fit inside a container. This works well when paging is enabled and scrolling is disabled, but vertical fitting of the DataTable also works quite naturally with scrolling.
In this post I will introduce an equivalent plug-in for DataTables when scrolling is enabled - the end result is shown below:
Name | Position | Office | Salary |
Tiger Nixon | System Architect | Edinburgh | $320,800 |
Garrett Winters | Accountant | Tokyo | $170,750 |
Ashton Cox | Junior Technical Author | San Francisco | $86,000 |
Cedric Kelly | Senior Javascript Developer | Edinburgh | $433,060 |
Airi Satou | Accountant | Tokyo | $162,700 |
Brielle Williamson | Integration Specialist | New York | $372,000 |
Herrod Chandler | Sales Assistant | San Francisco | $137,500 |
Rhona Davidson | Integration Specialist | Tokyo | $327,900 |
Colleen Hurst | Javascript Developer | San Francisco | $205,500 |
Sonya Frost | Software Engineer | Edinburgh | $103,600 |
Jena Gaines | Office Manager | London | $90,560 |
Quinn Flynn | Support Lead | Edinburgh | $342,000 |
Charde Marshall | Regional Director | San Francisco | $470,600 |
Haley Kennedy | Senior Marketing Designer | London | $313,500 |
Tatyana Fitzpatrick | Regional Director | London | $385,750 |
Michael Silva | Marketing Designer | London | $198,500 |
Paul Byrd | Chief Financial Officer (CFO) | New York | $725,000 |
Gloria Little | Systems Administrator | New York | $237,500 |
Bradley Greer | Software Engineer | London | $132,000 |
Dai Rios | Personnel Lead | Edinburgh | $217,500 |
Jenette Caldwell | Development Lead | New York | $345,000 |
Yuri Berry | Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) | New York | $675,000 |
Caesar Vance | Pre-Sales Support | New York | $106,450 |
Doris Wilder | Sales Assistant | Sydney | $85,600 |
Angelica Ramos | Chief Executive Officer (CEO) | London | $1,200,000 |
Gavin Joyce | Developer | Edinburgh | $92,575 |
Jennifer Chang | Regional Director | Singapore | $357,650 |
Brenden Wagner | Software Engineer | San Francisco | $206,850 |
Fiona Green | Chief Operating Officer (COO) | San Francisco | $850,000 |
Shou Itou | Regional Marketing | Tokyo | $163,000 |
Michelle House | Integration Specialist | Sydney | $95,400 |
Suki Burks | Developer | London | $114,500 |
Prescott Bartlett | Technical Author | London | $145,000 |
Gavin Cortez | Team Leader | San Francisco | $235,500 |
Martena Mccray | Post-Sales support | Edinburgh | $324,050 |
Unity Butler | Marketing Designer | San Francisco | $85,675 |
Howard Hatfield | Office Manager | San Francisco | $164,500 |
Hope Fuentes | Secretary | San Francisco | $109,850 |
Vivian Harrell | Financial Controller | San Francisco | $452,500 |
Timothy Mooney | Office Manager | London | $136,200 |
Jackson Bradshaw | Director | New York | $645,750 |
Olivia Liang | Support Engineer | Singapore | $234,500 |
Bruno Nash | Software Engineer | London | $163,500 |
Sakura Yamamoto | Support Engineer | Tokyo | $139,575 |
Thor Walton | Developer | New York | $98,540 |
Finn Camacho | Support Engineer | San Francisco | $87,500 |
Serge Baldwin | Data Coordinator | Singapore | $138,575 |
Zenaida Frank | Software Engineer | New York | $125,250 |
Zorita Serrano | Software Engineer | San Francisco | $115,000 |
Jennifer Acosta | Junior Javascript Developer | Edinburgh | $75,650 |
Cara Stevens | Sales Assistant | New York | $145,600 |
Hermione Butler | Regional Director | London | $356,250 |
Lael Greer | Systems Administrator | London | $103,500 |
Jonas Alexander | Developer | San Francisco | $86,500 |
Shad Decker | Regional Director | Edinburgh | $183,000 |
Michael Bruce | Javascript Developer | Singapore | $183,000 |
Donna Snider | Customer Support | New York | $112,000 |
Using the ScrollResize plug-in for DataTables is very simple - include the Javascript for the plug-in on your page:
Then enable the feature by specifying the scrollResize
option in your DataTable initialisation, along with scrollY
to enable scrolling:
$('#myTable').DataTable( {
scrollResize: true,
scrollY: 100,
scrollCollapse: true,
paging: false
} );
Note that you would typically also disable paging when using ScrollResize as is done here, but that isn't mandatory (paging can be useful to improve performance on larger data sets).
On initialisation of the DataTable, the value given to scrollY
(100px in the above example) is actually not important since the table's scrolling container will automatically be resized to fit the container that the table has been placed in. This is an important point since it is not the DataTable itself that defines the hight of the table, but rather the DOM container element that it is placed in.
In the example above a div
element is used as a wrapper around the table and Javascript used to resize the container. There is no additional Javascript to tell DataTables that it needs to resize - this is determined automatically by the ScrollResize plug-in, keeping the initialisation simple and the script performant (see the Implementation section below for how that is done).
While you might wish to offer your end user the ability to resize the table's container, the real benefit of this approach can be seen by DataTables automatically fitting itself into a layout that you have defined:
As with the original paging resize plug-in, for ScrollResize to automatically resize the table it needs to know when a resize has happened. We could provide and trigger a Javascript method in the DataTables API for this, but that isn't developer friendly since every update or redraw on the page would require the method to be called. It is far better to be able to determine when this needs to happen automatically.
The trouble with this is that the browser only triggers a resize event when the window size changes - not when DOM elements are moved around (since doing so would be exceptionally inefficient). The paging resize plug-in used an object
to know when the container has been resized, but that caused styling issues in IE. ScrollResize uses basically the same idea, but with an iframe
which does not have any such styling issues:
var that = this;
var obj = $('<iframe/>')
.css( {
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 0,
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
zIndex: -1,
border: 0
} )
.attr( 'frameBorder', '0' )
.attr( 'src', 'about:blank' );
obj[0].onload = function () {
var body = this.contentDocument.body;
var height = body.offsetHeight;
var contentDoc = this.contentDocument;
var defaultView = contentDoc.defaultView || contentDoc.parentWindow;
defaultView.onresize = function () {
// Three methods to get the iframe height, to keep all browsers happy
var newHeight = body.clientHeight || body.offsetHeight;
var docClientHeight = contentDoc.documentElement.clientHeight;
if ( ! newHeight && docClientHeight ) {
newHeight = docClientHeight;
if ( newHeight !== height ) {
height = newHeight;
// Resize has happened - trigger callback
.appendTo( host )
.attr( 'data', 'about:blank' );
With the code in place to know when the resize has happened, all we need to do is update the DataTables' scrolling container (minus the heights of the header and footer) allowing it to fit into the container perfectly.
This basic implementation of automatically knowing when a container element has been resized will almost certainly make it into DataTables 2.0 (more news on which in 2018) since it abstracts out a number of problems such as needing to call columns.adjust()
when a hidden table is made visible.
Feedback welcome
As always, improvements and suggestions very welcome! The code for this plug-in is hosted on GitHub. If you have any thoughts on improvements, please send a pull request, or open a new discussion in the forums.
Happy New Year!