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DataTables is open source software, free for you to use and modify. The DataTables distribution includes a wide range of examples, the source files and a collection of extensions. Download using the button below:

Download DataTables

New in v1.10 | Upgrade notes

DataTables and all of its extensions are available for download in a zip file, which can be accessed using the table below.

Software Version Date Changes Download
DataTables 2.1.2 - - Download
AutoFill 2.7.0 - - Download
Buttons 3.1.0 - - Download
ColReorder 2.0.3 - - Download
Editor 2.3.2 - Changes Download
FixedColumns 5.0.1 - - Download
FixedHeader 4.0.1 - - Download
KeyTable 2.12.1 - - Download
Responsive 3.0.2 - - Download
RowGroup 1.5.0 - - Download
RowReorder 1.5.0 - - Download
Scroller 2.4.3 - - Download
Select 2.0.3 - - Download
StateRestore 1.4.1 - - Download

Note Apologies for the lack of date and change information at the moment.