

Since: DateTime 1.0.0

DateTime language options.
Please note - this property requires the DateTime extension for DataTables.


As standard, no custom options will be applied to the DateTime specific language options if i18n is unaltered. Otherwise the related options will be applied if they are defined within this object.

This option allows direct configuration on the language options for the DateTime instance and can be different for different instances.



This option is capable of holding all of the sub-options for languages for the DateTime picker.


  • Value: object

The default value for this property is an object containing all of the default values for the DateTime picker's options. These are the default values that DateTime uses.


Alter previous and next buttons:

$(document).ready(function () {
	var dt = new DateTime(document.getElementById('example'), {
		i18n: {
			previous: '<',
			next: '>'