
Use multiple renderers

This renderer doesn't format the output itself, but rather allows multiple renderers to be easily called, which will render the content in sequence.

Pass the renderers you wish to chain together as elements in an array to this function. Important - you should pass the renderer as if you were going to give it to the render property directly (i.e. if it is just a simple function, don't execute it).


This plug-in can be obtained and used in multiple different ways.


This plug-in is available on the DataTables CDN:


The plug-in will then automatically register itself against a global DataTables instance. This file can also be used if you are using an AMD loader such as Require.js.

Note that if you are using multiple plug-ins, it can be beneficial in terms of performance to combine the plug-ins into a single file and host it on your own server, rather than making multiple requests to the DataTables CDN.


The plug-ins are all available on NPM (which can also be used with Yarn or any other Javascript package manager) as part of the package. To use this plug-in, first install the plug-ins package:

npm install

ES modules

Then, if you are using ES modules, import, any other DataTables extensions you need, and the plug-in:

import DataTable from '';
import '';


If you are using a CommonJS loader for Node (e.g. with older versions of Webpack, or non-module Node code) use the following method to require the plug-in:

var $ = require('jquery');
var DataTable = require('');


// Convert dates using moment renderer and ensure they are HTML safe
  new DataTable( '#myTable', {
    columnDefs: [ {
      targets: 1,
      render: DataTable.render.multi( [
        DataTable.render.moment( 'Do MMM YYYY' ),
      ] )
    } ]
  } );

Version control

If you have any ideas for how this plug-in can be improved, or spot anything that is in error, it is available on GitHub and pull requests are very welcome!