10111 results 3591-3600
- 17th Jan 2015Server Side Question. How do I send POST variables to the Ajax page?I have this: $('#example').dataTable( { "processing": true, "serverSide": true, "ajax": { "url": "../includes/views/DetailsTableJSON.php", "type": "POST" } } ); and i have input fields bellow, in the HTML. Am I missing something? those input fields aren't being passed to the serverside page as POST data.
- 17th Jan 2015Okay I'm trying to get this to work server side with what I have. help?true, "serverSide": true, "ajax": { "url": "../includes/views/DetailsTableJSON.php", "type": "POST" } } ); -----the
- 16th Jan 2015cant load json data - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefinedThank you very much Allan, now load the json file correctly, this is the final script: $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "js/notice.json", "dataSrc": "noticeArray" }, "columns": [ { "data": "title" }, { "data": "id" }, { "data": "subtitle" }, { "data": "urlImg" }, { "data": "urlImgXl" }, { "data": "detail" }, { "data": "type" }, { "data": "info" } ] } );
- 15th Jan 2015Updating Select list in Editor popup containerclick(function() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "lib/title_test.php", dataType:'json', success: function(
- 15th Jan 2015Providing Default Ajax ImplementationJSON.stringify(params) }; jQuery.extend(params, httpParams); //console.log("server url " + dtSettings.oInit.$jwAjax.url); $jw.secureAjax({ url: dtSettings.oInit.$jwAjax.url,
- 15th Jan 2015Join tables - one-to-many join on 1 tables and one-to-one join on anotherThe page linked to above doesn't use ajax.dataSrc - it simply uses dataSrc, which is not a parameter DataTables knows about. As per the ajax.dataSrc documentation examples you want something like: $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "database/connections/attendance.php", "dataSrc": "" }, ... } ); Allan
- 13th Jan 2015Why "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined"table#venues').DataTable( { serverSide: true, ajax: { url: "/api/venues", dataSrc: function (json)
- 13th Jan 2015Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefinedan 'edit' and 'remove' url. I don't require the
- 12th Jan 2015DataTables Editable Not Workinga link (i.e. the url) to the page you
- 11th Jan 2015post params in ajaxyour suggestion, $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "url", "type": "POST", processData: