10111 results 3761-3770
- 9th May 2014Passing parameter to server_processing.php using aThank you, so much! I finally got it to work. $(document).ready(function() { $('#example').dataTable( { "processing": true, "serverSide": true, "ajax": { "url": "scripts/server_processing.php", "data": { "id_professionista": 17 } } }); } ); Giacomo.
- 9th May 2014Update MySql with value of CheckBoxaData = oTable.fnGetData(aPos); $.ajax({ type:'POST', url: 'update.php', data: 'id='+aData[0]+'&check=1' }); } else
- 9th May 2014Retrieve Session from php and use in DataTable as query variableWhy do you say isn't what you want? It looks to me it is exactly what you want. $('#example').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "data.json", "type": "POST", "data": function ( d ) { d.owner = username; } } } ); Allan
- 9th May 2014Php Notices on Insert, bug with empty value.Generator and selecting a URL field and ALSO 'can
- 8th May 2014API ajax.reload() loses pagemainTable = $("#main_dash").DataTable({ "language": { "url": "../locale/" + locale + "/LC_MESSAGES/" + "dt."
- 8th May 2014Individual column filtering (text inputs) not working with ajax datatitle+'" />' ); } ); $('#locator').dataTable( { "ajax": { "url": "data/fitmentb.txt", "dataSrc": "" }, "columns": [ { "data":
- 6th May 2014Not unique table/aliasusergroupstable').dataTable( { dom: "Tfrtip", ajax: { url: "../php/usergroupstable.php", type: 'POST' }, //Custom
- 5th May 2014sorting applied on a column which is having date with some icon on datatablesThis is the third time you asked the same question. Allan already replied: how would you expect an image sort to occur? On the url? A test case would be useful.
- 3rd May 2014Only one tabletools button works.I tried several different URLS in there and the
- 1st May 2014How can I add my custom parameters to the ajax, and remove the ones that I do not want?Also found how to remove parameters. $(element).dataTable({ serverSide : true, "ajax" : { "url" : url, "data" : function(d) { d.columns = null; d.order = null; } }, columns : data });