10111 results 3971-3980
- 23rd Jan 2013Vertical Scrolling Messes up Column Header Alignmentexample please check this URL: is there any
- 21st Jan 2013Editor adds hidden fields to datatable after new entry submissionform." } }, "ajax": function ( method, url, data, successCallback, errorCallback ) { if
- 21st Jan 2013REST-Interface does not send PUT/DELETE but OPTIONSare using an absolute URL and thus might be
- 18th Jan 2013DataTables Column Filter add-on for the data tabledataType": 'json', "type": 'POST', "url": sSource, "data": aoData, "success":
- 18th Jan 2013[SOLVED] Requested unknown parameter '0' from the data source for row 0Thanks, Allan. Unfortunately this is work being done for an intranet, so the URL is blocked. If you agree that mDataProp usage is correct and nothing else looks out of place, I'll upgrade first and see what results that brings.
- 12th Jan 2013Dynamic Editor based on row "type"name": "username" } ); Edit.add( { "label": "URL:", "name": "url" } ); } [/code] Please
- 11th Jan 2013TableTools not working in Safari 5.1.7true, oConfig ); }, "print" ] }, "sAjaxSource": url, "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData,
- 11th Jan 2013Table tools, pdf: add style? At least bold and italic?true, oConfig ); }, "print" ] }, "sAjaxSource": url, "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData,
- 10th Jan 2013Table Tool Buttons Not Working (inside DIVs) w/ JQuery Tabstrue, oConfig ); }, "print" ] }, "sAjaxSource": url, "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData,
- 10th Jan 2013Combining database tables in server-side datatablesentire row to a url found in the wp_posts