10116 results 4141-4150
- 4th May 2012bServerSide, bProcessing issuesif you visit the URL above, you'll notice how
- 3rd May 2012Reloading Table with New Row DatacontentType': 'application/json;' , 'type': 'POST' , 'url': sSource , 'data': "{DataSource: 'demo_db',
- 1st May 2012Add dropdown, datepicker using sDomfunction(fromDate, inst){ $.ajax({"type": "POST", "url": ".......?fromDate=" +fromDate }); } [/code]
- 30th Apr 2012Datatable within Datatable within Datatable issuedataType": "json", "contentType": "application/json", "url": sSource, "data": ConvertAmendmentToJSON(aoData, oData[1]),
- 25th Apr 2012Adding Link or Button into the DataTable RowfnRender. Parameters to link url can also be passed
- 23rd Apr 2012IE8 & Google Chrome Shows tiny y-Scrollbar even for small recordsJust paste in the URL of a test page.
- 20th Apr 2012Pagination Bugsplease note that the url above will stop working
- 19th Apr 2012more then 25 columns in server side 404 Not FoundI think the URL is just too long. There is a limit on the length of the URL... You could drastically reduce the length by using shorter variable names mDataProp --> mdp bSortable_23 --> bs23 etc.
- 13th Apr 2012Pass parameters to function fnReloadAjax()code] $(document).ready(function(){ $("#agggiornata").click(function(){ $.ajax({ url: "./scripts/add_column.php" }); $oTable.fnDraw(); }); $oTable=$('#tabella1').dataTable({ "bJQueryUI":
- 13th Apr 2012Updating a database using a checkbox in a table rowaData = oItemsTable.fnGetData(aPos); $.ajax({ type:'POST', url: 'update.php', data: 'id='+aData[0]+'&col=Done&value=1' }); } else