289 results 21-30
- 11th Jul 2016Left-to-Right sortingsimilar to how the thead elements stay constant with sort state updated) and reorder
- 27th Mar 2013My dataTables with jQuery UI theme are not same as examplediv.dataTables_wrapper .ui-widget-header { font-weight: normal; } /* * Sort arrow icon positioning */ table.display thead th div.DataTables_sort_wrapper { position: relative;
- 28th Sep 2012Need to fire function after page eventevent attached to $("#tableID thead") etc.. occurred after the sort, and i was able
- 5th Jan 2012DataTables 1.7.2 with JQuery UI Themeroller column heading issue in IEfind this code: [code] /* * Sort arrow icon positioning */ table.display thead th div.DataTables_sort_wrapper { position: relative;
- 31st Dec 2011How to get the sorting arrows on the same line?from that file): [code] /* * Sort arrow icon positioning */ table.display thead th div.DataTables_sort_wrapper { position: relative;
- 2nd Sep 2011only partial JUI themingdiv.dataTables_wrapper .ui-widget-header { font-weight: normal; } /* * Sort arrow icon positioning */ table.display thead th div.DataTables_sort_wrapper { position: relative;
- 31st Aug 2012fnSortListener Issuesusing the standard table sort events bound to the thead at the top of
- 10th Aug 2010No Sort one column with a specific classme... [code] Sort meDon't sort me $(document).ready(function() { var dontSort = []; $('#myData thead th').each( function () { if ( $(this).hasClass(
- 20th Feb 2015Sort controls customizationlast TR in the THEAD. I would like to render sort controls not in the
- 19th Sep 2011problem sorting table using columnfilter plugincolumn, how can I sort them by just clicking their thead ? don't know how to