

Since: DataTables 2.1

Get / set the libraries or global object upon which DataTables uses.


When loading DataTables in an environment that doesn't using a global window as its base (e.g. ES Modules) you may need to tell it about the external libraries that it can make use of. For example DataTables and use Moment.js or Luxon to handle formatted dates and times. In a browser those libraries automatically attach to the global window, but that isn't possible in a module loader. For such cases, use this method to make them available to DataTables.

It is also possible to pass in a window object, which can be useful for constructing a DataTable in a headless environment.

Important: If you are settings Moment.js or Luxon as a library to use for date / time manipulation, DataTables expects only a single one of the two libraries to be used. Do not set both.

Note that this method is primarily useful when using ES modules or Common JS loading. You would not typically need to use this method if you are using a script tag to load DataTables and any dependencies as they will be automatically detected.


function use(type)


Get the library that has been set for use.



The library requested that is currently being used by DataTables will be returned.

function use(library)


Set the libraries, or the global object (i.e. the window) that is used by DataTables for operations such as date and time manipulation with automatic detection of what the library is.


No value is returned.

function use(type, library)


Set the libraries, or the global object (i.e. the window) that is used by DataTables for operations such as date and time manipulation, specifying what the library is.


No value is returned.


Detect formatted dates with Moment.js:

import moment from 'moment';
import DataTable from 'datatables.net';

// Tell DataTables that it can use Moment for date formatting
DataTable.use(moment, 'moment');

// Tell DataTables what date format you want to look for in the HTML data
DataTable.datetime('D MMM YYYY');

// Initialise DataTables
new DataTable('#example');

Use Luxon to render data into a specific format:

import luxon from 'luxon';
import DataTable from 'datatables.net';

// Tell DataTables that it can use Luxon for date formatting
DataTable.use(luxon, 'luxon');

// Initialise DataTables with a specific column formatting date information
new DataTable('#example', {
    columnDefs: [
            targets: 4,
            render: DataTable.render.datetime('d MMM yyyy')