

Since: Buttons 1.0.0

Create and save a CSV file that contains the data from the table.
Please note - this property requires the Buttons extension for DataTables.


This button type serves as a proxy that will automatically detect if the csvHtml5 buttons can be used based on the browser's capabilities and the libraries available on the page.

This is provided as an option since the HTML5 button type requires a reasonably modern browser which may not always be available to the end user.

If the requirements of the csvHtml5 button are not satisfied, no button will be presented to the end user. For the requirements of each button type, please refer to its own documentation.


This button can have the following options set in its configuration object to customise its actions and display, in addition to those options which are available for all buttons (e.g. buttons.buttons.text):


Create and save a CSV file.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Since: 1.2.2

Option to include UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (true) or not (false). This is disabled by default as the Unicode Standard states that the use of a BOM is neither required nor recommended for UTF-8.


Character set to use in the file export. When null is used (default) the document's character set will be read and used (document.characterSet). The addition of a character set can be disabled by setting this property to false.


  • Type: string
  • Default: buttons-csv buttons-html5

The button's class name. See buttons.buttons.className for details.


  • Type: function
  • Default: undefined
  • Since: 1.1.1

Function that can be used to modify the contents of the exported data. The function takes two parameters, the data as configured by the button and the button's configuration object. The value that the function returns is the value that will be used for the export.

This can be particularly useful if you wish to add a company header or footer, description data or any other information to the exported data.

As of Buttons 1.5.2 this function is passed three parameters:

  1. The CSV data as a string
  2. The button configuration object
  3. A DataTables API instance for the table the button belongs to.


Character to use as the escape character for CSV data. This will be prefixed to any data found in the fields which matches that set by the fieldBoundary option. It is a configurable option as different applications can require different options - however the default matches RFC4180.


Select the data to be gathered from the DataTable for export. This includes options for which columns, rows, ordering and search. Please see the buttons.exportData() method for full details - the object given by this parameter is passed directly into that action to gather the required data.


The extension to give the created file name.


The character(s) used to enclose each field in the plain text representation of the table that is copied to the system's clipboard. This is automatically added at the start and end of each cell's data.


The character(s) used to separate fields in the plain text representation of the table that is copied to the system's clipboard.


File name to give the created file (plus the extension defined by the extension option). The special character * is automatically replaced with the value read from the host document's title tag.


Indicate if the table footer should be included in the exported data or not.


Indicate if the table header should be included in the exported data or not.


The character(s) used to separate the lines of data. Please note that on Windows client's the default is \r\n. All other platforms have a default or \n only.


The button's display text. The text can be configured using this option (see buttons.buttons.text) or the buttons.copy option of the DataTables language object.


DataTables initialisation: Use the HTML5 CSV button:

new DataTable('#myTable', {
	layout: {
		topStart: {
			buttons: ['csv']

DataTables initialisation: Use the exportOptions to save all data, regardless of filtering:

new DataTable('#myTable', {
	layout: {
		topStart: {
			buttons: [
					extend: 'csv',
					text: 'Copy all data',
					exportOptions: {
						modifier: {
							search: 'none'