

Since: StateRestore 1.0.0

Updates a selected state with the current table state.
Please note - this property requires the StateRestore extension for DataTables.


This is used as one of the secondary buttons within the stateRestore split button that represents and provides functionality for a saved state. This button updates the state associated with a button. This means that when this state's load button is pressed, the table will return to the state it was in when this update button was pressed.

There are 2 other secondary buttons also within the split button - removeState and renameState. Their documentation provides further details relevant to their functionality.

This button is used within the StateRestore extension. It won't do anything if saving is disabled using the save option of the stateRestoreConfig configuration object of the parent button.

This button does not have any additional configuration options available to it, beyond the standard set offered for all Buttons (e.g. text). The text in the button can be set by using the language.buttons.updateState option.


updateState button modify text:

DataTable.ext.buttons.updateState.text = function (e, dt, node, config) {
	return 'Save state';