

Since: StateRestore 1.0.0

Set the text for the label of the scroller checkbox within the creation modal.
Please note - this property requires the StateRestore extension for DataTables.


This string is displayed in the label next to the checkbox that allows toggling of scroller state saving within the creation modal that is shown when a state is being created.

The value set here is passed through the i18n() function.



The string that will be displayed within the label next to the checkbox for scroller that is shown in the creation modal when enabled within stateRestore.creationModal.


  • Value: Scroll Position


Change text of the scroller checkbox label:

new DataTable('#myTable', {
	language: {
		stateRestore: {
			creationModal: {
				scroller: 'Scroller:'
	layout: {
		topStart: {
			buttons: [
					extend: 'createState',
					config: {
						creationModal: true,
						toggle: {
							scroller: true


The following options are directly related and may also be useful in your application development.