Define the DataTables options for a custom pane.
Please note - this property requires the SearchPanes extension for DataTables.
As standard, SearchPanes will overwrite the options for that column defined by the SearchPanes code with the options defined in columns.searchPanes.dtOpts
By overwriting this value in the initialisation, the pane can be customised fully as much as a DataTable can be.
This functionality is useful as it allows all of the standard DataTables options and API Methods to be available to the panes.
All of the panes can be altered by using the searchPanes.dtOpts
The pane can be customised in the same way as a standard DataTable, as it is also an instance of DataTables. The panes properties can be defined within the dtOpts object.
- Value:
The default value for the columns.searchPanes.dtOpts
parameter is undefined
. When this default value is in place the defaults for SearchPanes are applied.
Define custom pane DataTable options:
new DataTable('#myTable', {
layout: {
top1: 'searchPanes'
searchPanes: {
panes: [
header: 'Custom',
options: [
label: 'Accountants from Tokyo',
value: function (rowData, rowIdx) {
return rowData[1] === 'Accountant' && rowData[2] === 'Tokyo';
dtOpts: {
paging: true,
order: [[1, 'desc']]
The following options are directly related and may also be useful in your application development.