

Object that describes a search condition.
Please note - this property requires the SearchBuilder extension for DataTables.


The SearchBuilder Criteria object contains information that describes a set of search terms that are applied to a DataTable. This object structure can be used for the following operations:

Using Typescript definitions, the object has the following structure:

interface Criteria {
    criteria: Array<
        | {
                condition: string;
                data: string;
                dataOrig?: string;  // preDefined with SSP only
                type?: string; // preDefined with SSP only
                value: string[];
        | Criteria

    logic: 'AND' | 'OR';


The following properties are available on the SearchBuilder Criteria object:


This parameter is an array of objects which has the following parameters:

  • condition - Defines what condition that a filter should use. It can take any value (if used a with a custom plug-in for filtering), but the following are the built in types:
    • string and html column types
    • != - Not
    • !null - Not Empty
    • = - Equals
    • contains - Contains
    • !contains - Does Not Contain With
    • ends - Ends With
    • !ends - Does Not End With
    • null - Empty
    • starts - Starts With
    • !starts - Does Not Start With
    • num, num-fmt, html-num and html-num-fmt column types
    • != - Not
    • !null - Not Empty
    • < - Less Than
    • <= - Less Than Equal To
    • = - Equals
    • > - Greater Than
    • >= - Greater Than Equal To
    • between - Between
    • !between - Not Between
    • null - Empty
    • date, moment and luxon column types
    • != - Not
    • !null - Not Empty
    • < - Before
    • = - Equals
    • > - After
    • between - Between
    • !between - Not Between
    • null - Empty
    • array column type
    • contains - Contains
    • without - Without
    • = - Equals
    • != - Not Equals
    • null - Empty
    • !null - Not Empty
  • data - The title of the data point (column) to be used for the operation.
  • dataOrig - This value is only used when serverSide processing is enabled. This value is the original field name and is used within the server side integration to select the correct field.
  • type - This property is only required in the preDefined object when using server-side processing. This means that the server can tell the type of the field that the search is being applied to. In some cases this is required as the behaviour of some conditions are slightly different between column types. When using a client-side configuration this property will make no changes to the behaviour of SearchBuilder.
  • value - The values that are to be used for the filtering. It is an array so that conditions that require multiple inputs, such as between, can be set. For conditions that only require a single input, the array will only require one value. For conditions that require multiple inputs the inputs shall be populated in the same order as the items are set in this array.


The logic parameter determines the combination logic type that should be used for filtering the DataTable. It must take the string value of either AND or OR. The selected value will be applied for all elements in the criteria array. Nesting can be used if you need to group logic.


This example shows a very simple filter being applied with a single condition:

    criteria: [
            condition: '=',
            data: 'Office',
            value: ['Edinburgh']
    logic: 'AND'

This one shows a nested OR condition. Written it would be: Office = 'Edinburgh' AND (Name = 'Cedric Kelly' OR Name = 'Dai Rios'):

    criteria: [
            condition: '=',
            data: 'Office',
            value: ['Edinburgh']
            criteria: [
                    condition: '=',
                    data: 'Name',
                    value: ['Cedric Kelly']
                    condition: '=',
                    data: 'Name',
                    value: ['Dai Rios']
            logic: 'OR'
    logic: 'AND'