
Apply multi-column ordering through the columns() API method.

The DataTables core library provides the ability to set the ordering via the column().order() method, but there is no plural equivalent. While multi-column ordering can be set using order() that method requires that column indexes be used.

This plug-in provides the plural columns().order() method so you can set multi-column ordering, while retaining the benefits of the columns() selector options.


This plug-in can be obtained and used in multiple different ways.


This plug-in is available on the DataTables CDN:


The plug-in will then automatically register itself against a global DataTables instance. This file can also be used if you are using an AMD loader such as Require.js.

Note that if you are using multiple plug-ins, it can be beneficial in terms of performance to combine the plug-ins into a single file and host it on your own server, rather than making multiple requests to the DataTables CDN.


The plug-ins are all available on NPM (which can also be used with Yarn or any other Javascript package manager) as part of the package. To use this plug-in, first install the plug-ins package:

npm install

ES modules

Then, if you are using ES modules, import, any other DataTables extensions you need, and the plug-in:

import DataTable from '';
import '';


If you are using a CommonJS loader for Node (e.g. with older versions of Webpack, or non-module Node code) use the following method to require the plug-in:

var $ = require('jquery');
var DataTable = require('');


// Apply multi-column sorting with a common direction
table.columns( [ 1, 2 ] ).order( 'desc' ).draw();
// Multi-column sorting with individual direction for the columns
table.columns( [ 1, 2 ] ).order( [ 'desc', 'asc' ] ).draw();
// Multi-column sorting based on a name selector
table.columns( [ 'sign_up_date:name', 'user_name:name' ] ).order( 'desc' ).draw();

Version control

If you have any ideas for how this plug-in can be improved, or spot anything that is in error, it is available on GitHub and pull requests are very welcome!