

Since: DataTables 1.10.1

Destroy child row(s) for the selected parent row.


This method is used to remove child row(s) from a parent row, removing them from the displayed table (if they are currently displayed) and releasing the memory allocated for these rows.

Please note that this method is only available when row().child() is called with a parameter set. This is because row().child() will return the child rows if called with no parameters, which is either a jQuery object or undefined. When called with a parameter row().child() returns a DataTables.Api instance. If you need to display a child row without any parameters being set use row().child.show().

Unlike many of the other methods which manipulate the DataTable, this method does not require draw() to be called immediately after. The child row(s) are removed from table without requiring that DataTables redraw.



Remove child row(s) from display and release any allocated memory


DataTables.ApiDataTables API instance.


Show / hide a row based on its current state, adding the row content as needed.:

var table = new DataTable('#myTable');

$('#example tbody').on('click', 'td.details-control', function () {
	var tr = $(this).parents('tr');
	var row = table.row(tr);

	if (row.child.isShown()) {
		// This row is already open - remove it
	else {
		// Open this row (the format() function would return the data to be shown)