

Since: DataTables 1.10

Select a single row from a table.


Working with rows is a fundamental part of DataTables, and you want to be able to easily select the rows that you want from the table. This method is the row counterpart to the columns() and cells() methods for working with columns and cells in the table, respectively. Using a selector and the selector-modifier option the rows at the table can be obtained with this method's own chained methods providing the ability to get the data from the rows, the row nodes and to invalidate the data, among other actions.

Note that if the selector used matches multiple rows, this method will truncate the result to contain just one row, the first matched one. If you require to work with multiple rows at the same time for group manipulation, please use this method's plural counterpart rows() which can select and manipulate multiple rows.


row( rowSelector [, modifier ] )

Select a row found by a row selector



DataTables.ApiDataTables API instance with selected row in the result set


Select row with a given id:

let row = table.row('#myId');

Select a row of given index:

let row = table.row(1);

Select row with matched data using a function:

let row = table.row((idx, data) => data.location === 'Edinburgh');


The following options are directly related and may also be useful in your application development.