

Since: SearchPanes 1.0.0

Deprecated. Set custom empty message.
Please note - this property requires the SearchPanes extension for DataTables.


This option is deprecated from version 1.2.2+. It was replaced by searchPanes.i18n.emptyMessage to maintain consistency with the naming of language options. For now this option can still be used, but it will be removed in the future.

Empty cells will be represented in the panes by the option searchPanes.emptyMessage. This is useful as it's a more user-friendly way than just having a blank cell. The value is passed through the i18n() function.

This value is used if both searchPanes.i18n.emptyMessage is undefined and columns.searchPanes.emptyMessage are both undefined for the column corresponding to this SearchPane.



By setting the searchPanes.emptyMessage option to a string, any empty cells found in the table will be represented in the pane by that string.


  • Value: No Data

The default value for the searchPanes.emptyMessage parameter is \<i\>No Data\</i\>.


Altering Empty Message:

new DataTable('#myTable', {
	layout: {
		top1: {
			searchPanes: {
				emptyMessage: '</i></b>EMPTY</b></i>'

Altering Empty Message for each column:

var table = new DataTable('#myTable', {
	layout: {
		top1: 'searchPanes'
	columnDefs: [
			searchPanes: {
				emptyMessage: '</i></b>EMPTY</b></i>'
			targets: [2]

table.cell(2, 2).data('');
table.cell(6, 5).data('');
table.cell(2, 3).data('');
table.cell(2, 0).data('');
table.cell(6, 1).data('');
table.cell(2, 4).data('');


The following options are directly related and may also be useful in your application development.