

Since: SearchPanes 2.0.0

Pre-selected options in a pane.
Please note - this property requires the SearchPanes extension for DataTables.


This option is an alias to searchPanes.preSelect, which should be preferred when using DataTables 2+. It can be used to configure SearchPanes regardless of how the panes are inserted into the document (layout or searchPanes).

Please refer to the documentation for searchPanes.preSelect for full details of this option.



searchPanes.preSelect is an array of objects that contain the details required to preselect rows in the corresponding panes.


  • Value: []

The default value for the searchPanes.preSelect parameter is []. When this default value is in place, no values will be preSelected in the panes.


Pre-select values in a pane:

new DataTable('#myTable', {
	layout: {
		top1: 'searchPanes'
	searchPanes: {
		preSelect: [
				column: 3,
				rows: ['Edinburgh', 'London']