papaParse not working after upgrading to Editor 2.04
by kthorngren ·The example works. According to this thread there were a couple changes to the example to fix issues with Bootstrap. Are you using Bootstrap? -
papaParse not working after upgrading to Editor 2.04
by montoyam · -
How to create table dynamically with dynamic column names & rows too.
by kthorngren ·Sounds similar to this thread. -
$(...).DataTable is not a function
by Camo ·I found this tutorial which removes previous error and have another. But there are two commands importing jquery. Dont understand the difference. -
custom searching for a date range, with multiple fields and multiple tables
by kthorngren ·Also if you have multiple tables on the same page you can use the technique from this thread to distinguish between the tables within the search plugin. -
Search multiple columns using or
by kthorngren ·Take a look at this thread from yesterday asking a similar question. Let us know if it helps. -
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'searchBuilder' of undefined
by kthorngren ·See if this thread with the same error helps. If not please provide a link to your page or a test case replicating the problem so we can help debug. -
Generate PDF export as accessible URL
by colin ·That's right, as I said before, you can't do the blob, so this was an alternative. This thread also talks about blobs, so very similar to what you wanted. -
Using DTE Duplicate how do I auto-update some fields like Publish in the new $ID?
by colin ·This example from this thread may help, it's showing how to update fields when duplicating. Hope that helps, -
Interest in ColReorderWithResize.js
by kthorngren ·@dinesh_raja Looks like this is an old issue. Here is a 2013 thread and there is another github issue posted. It seems the developer is not interested in a fix for this. A very old version of colR… -
select search
by kthorngren ·I'm not seeing the select inputs in your test case. Please update the test case to show the issue or see if this example from this thread helps you. -
Constant Column Width Post Search
by kthorngren ·This also happens when we zoom in or zoom out the page using the browser zoom function. -
Update data on the server
by colin ·Yep, cell().data() only changes data in the table. To update on the server, you'll need to use the Editor API, methods such as edit(). -
Column visibility with Dynamic tables
by kthorngren ·1 ) when I use the columDefs to hide some columns, the table footers doesn't hide with columns resulting in mismatch of columns to footers. -
How to stop a Datatable loop
by kthorngren ·This thread is asking the same question. -
Cannot set the value for an SQL function field. These fields are read only.
by rob1st ·No that was the field that I am using to run the query for the table, there is no input to the database for that. It was added based on your response to this thread. -
Select style `os` and behaviour of checkbox
by ffe ·Ctrl-click to deselect a single item without effecting others. This is how Finder in macOS and Explorer in Windows works as well. We've tried to model the os selection style of them. -
Select style `os` and behaviour of checkbox
by ffe ·So, the example I posted with multi+shift does not work for you? -
split the comma separated values of a column (1) Tags and make a dropdown filter with single value
by kthorngren ·See if this thread gets you started. See the example from the thread. For a complete solution it will probably require two loops; the first building an array of the split items making sure the arra… -
Editor Generator and Bootstrap5
by kthorngren ·See this thread asking the same question.