PDF and Print Buttons - Footer on each page
by mpiettegss ·$('#myTable').DataTable( { "buttons": [ { text: 'Custom PDF', extend: 'pdfHtml5', filename: 'dt_cu -
How can I update a table caption dynamically?
by allan ·There is no caption() method. That will be coming in v2. At the moment you would need to use a little jQuery - $('#myTable caption').html(...). -
Building updatable list from API
by east1999 ·I have already coded a function that operates in a similar way: it extracts the keywords and builds a select form. However, the only way I achieved this was by initiating a new JSON call after DT load -
Redrawing Chart after first load
by kthorngren ·initComplete passes $('#mytable').DataTable() for the table variable to setTableEvents() -
Options on DateTime
by aetsfgcu ·new $.fn.dataTable.Editor.DateTime($('#myInput'), { format: "MM/DD/YYYY", onChange: function () { alert('test'); } }); -
Passing nested JSON values via API
by kthorngren ·var data = $('#myTable').DataTable().rows().data(); -
DataTables - Getting duplicate records when using LEFT JOIN and mm table
by Capamania ·var table = $('#my_table').DataTable({ dom: "Blrtip", ajax: { url: "/php/accounts.php", type: "POST" }, server -
how to properly construct script for nested json
by aileenywdd ·$('#my_table').DataTable( { ajax: { url: '/testapi.txt', dataSrc: 'events' }, columns: [ { data: 'name' }, { data: 'date' }, { data: 'place' }, -
Options on DateTime
by aetsfgcu ·I am using the $('#myInput').on('change', ... ); but this is what is not firing. -
Options on DateTime
by allan ·You should be able to just use $('#myInput').on('change', ... ); like you would with any other input element. -
Options on DateTime
by aetsfgcu ·new $.fn.dataTable.Editor.DateTime( '#myInput' , options ); -
Broken table head if is used
by allan ·$('#my-container').show( function () { myTable.columns.adjust(); } ); -
Broken table head if is used
by flob ·It doesn't matter if you hide and show the table itself or if you make an container div around the table, which means, it doesn't matter if you do it via $("div#my-container").show(); or via -
Which callback or event to use so that myDataTable.rows() is populated
by kthorngren ·$('#myTable').DataTable().rows(); -
Custom column search logic
by colin ·}); $('#mySearch').on( 'keyup click', function () { table.column(0).search('^' + $(this).val() + '$', true); if ( != 1) { table.column -
Problem when redefining columnDefs
by SlowburnAZ ·I have a report that I'm creating, and depending on whether a checkbox is checked or not, I supply the $('#myTable').DataTable(...) call with a different array for the columnDefs parameter. -
Cannot display overall column sums of the datatable
by kthorngren ·var data = [ [1,2,...5], [6,7,...9],.... ] //json data array - 21 elements var table = $('#myTable').DataTable( { data: data, ...... //any remaining config needed - no ajax option }); -
Search and Sort on columns (td) with select element inside
by dubvelis ·$('#myGridView').DataTable({ -
.fixedColumns().relayout() not working
by ashish9342 ·$('#myDataTable-' + tableID).DataTable({ -
displayStart issue
by kthorngren ·$('#myTable').DataTable().page(1);