Need help with cell().data(), implementing DataTables with x-editable
by mimhof ·var table = $('#my-datatable').DataTable() ; -
Unable to perform single row selection with Editor
by pansengtat ·// Inside the JS file to be called by main PHP file $(document).ready(function() { var table = $('#myTable').DataTable({ dom: "Tfrtip", ajax: "php/myTableEditor.php& -
Can i load DataTable as function ?
by headshot9x ·var table; $(document).ready(function() { table=$('#myTable').DataTable({ WHATEVER}); }); -
Colreorder slow on IE
by mikes1280 ·$('#myTable').DataTable().colReorder.order( [array of 200 integers, random order] ) -
DataTable filtering and paging
by kriggs83 ·function showAll(){ var theTable = $('#myTable').dataTable({ "columnDefs":[{"orderable":false, "targets":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 -
After enabling vertical scroll in the datatable to load large datasets, datatable doesn't load rows
by waj ·oTable = $('#myDataTable').dataTable({ -
[solved]link datatables to external form and send server request
by asterix45 ·//on form validation I do this var formData = $('#myForm').serialize(); var tSettings=$('#results').dataTable().fnSettings(); tSettings.sAjaxSource='request_processing.php'; tSettings.sAjaxData=form -
How to use column().search()
by postitief ·"searching": false }); $('#my_custom_search').on( 'keyup', function () { table .columns( 4 ) -
Adding Bootstrap to Datatables no longer hides column
by jdiekhoff ·$("#my-table").DataTable({ -
Bug: Language file not loaded (NetworkError: 405 Method Not Allowed) when type: post on $.ajaxSetup
by marcosdimitrio ·<html> $(document).ready(function() { $.ajaxSetup({ type: "POST" }); $('#mytable').dataTable( { "language": { "url&qu -
How do I prevent Editor from committing changes on Ajax call during presubmit?
by pansengtat ·... // Inside the TableTools option of the $('#myTable').DataTable variable ... sRowSelect: "os", aButtons: [ { sExtends: 'select_single', sButtonClass: 'marg -
DataTables - TypeError preventing sort and filter
by annabananana7 ·$(document).ready(function() { var oTable = $('#myTable').dataTable( { "sDom": 'lrtip', initComplete: function() { var api = this.api(); api.columns('.fi -
Programmatically Setting a Field's Value / ajax option
by Karl53 ·table = $('#MY_TABLE').DataTable({ "data": null, -
Change CSS for specific Table
by allan ·Then you can use simple selectors to target a specific table: $('#myTable_wrapper .dataTables_filter input'). -
unable to create a dynaTable with Ajax
by Kaashaan ·var dynatable = $('#my-ajax-table').dynatable({ -
Adding a row in the middle of the table
by msand01 ·oTable= $('#myTable').DataTable({ -
Adding a row in the middle of the table
by msand01 ·$('#my-table tbody').on('click', 'i.glyphicon-plus-sign', function () { -
(Solved)How to send array of data to server
by jemz ·arrayid = ["039393","03838383","09383883"]; $('#mytable').dataTable({ "ajax": "./getdata.php?id=" + arrayid, "scrollY": &qu -
Codeigniter Custom Delete With Bootstrap Model
by Grigore ·{ data: null, className: "center", // this will call a function in controller and open the model but my problem is sending the ID ( $id ) of the row to the function defa -
Is it possible to set the title of an Editor form dynamically?
by pansengtat ·editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({ ajax: "myPage.php", table: "#myWebTable", fields: [ { label: "My f