332 results 151-160
- 8th Jun 2011Little suggestion: Use html5 input type=search for the "Search" textboxon my PC. Only Google Chrome and Safari displayed the
- 27th May 2011Memory leak in fnClearTable()?I have same problems jquery.dataTables.js Every 15 seconds i loading 2Mb of json, clearing table and adding 3000 rows to it. Every query increases memory usage by 10Mb Google chrome tab crashing in 15 minutes
- 19th Feb 2011tableTools2 example doesn't work in firefox, but only in IEGoogle Chrome also freezes up and becomes un-responsive when you try to save to CSV or Excel.
- 10th Jan 2011Fixed Header plugin broken when table has a marginhmm.... the fixup doesn't solve the problem on all computers. It seems that the problem only occured on big tables (40col, up to 100rows). The error disapear if I resize the browser window (fullscreen on/off or simple resizing - google chrome).
- 27th Oct 2010Urgent Help! scrollX and JQuery UI together is broken?????to download and install google chrome, otherwise they will not
- 12th Oct 2010import csv into datatablecsv2table to work in Google Chrome, it works on all
- 8th Oct 2010Filter post-processing and highlightingStop running script?" dialog. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox handle
- 18th Aug 2010Sorting errors! Cross-Browser CompatibilityI think that something is wrong with the code [code]"aoColumnDefs": [ { "sType": "numeric", "aTargets": [ 0 ] } ][/code] Because in Google Chrome works fine, but not in Internet Explorer. ):
- 3rd Aug 2010Filter does not work for 'java' keywordThis is quite interesting. This issue happens with Google Chrome only. For comparison, I checked in the other browsers (firefox,IE) and I dont see any issues. Unfortunately, I cant put this up in a live server.
- 3rd Aug 2010Issue using Column level filter with x and y ScrollsOhh.. great.. it works fine with IE8 and Google Chrome for first time rendering also. Only concern being that of IE8 with compatibility mode still shows misaligned columns as it is previously. :(