332 results 171-180
- 26th Oct 2023Initiate Vue from npmsite', } }, } Vue.createApp(body).mount('#vueBody') Vue.createApp(head).mount('#vueHead') In Google Chrome i have the error
- 26th Feb 2023Performance when exporting pdf or excel in edgeare few records, in google chrome it loads normally but
- 18th Jul 2022DateTime with dayjs behaves strangely (wrong format)OS: Arch Linux - Browser: Google Chrome 103.0.5060.114 - Accept-Language: de-DE,de;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7 Steps
- 26th Apr 2022[BUG] Responsive SearchPanes (layout='auto')I am using the Google chrome F12 tool and I
- 22nd Apr 2022Save State is not keeping the start parameterthe same thing in Google Chrome and when I navigate
- 9th May 2021Colspan with valuemanually' with 'F12' in Google Chrome: Currently my table looks
- 6th Feb 2021Multi-column ordering fails in Firefox + SafariThis works perfectly in Google Chrome and the Chromium Edge
- 24th Oct 2020Save in Editor fails in IE11, then leaves Editor in bad fine in Windows: Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge; MacOS:
- 18th Aug 2020FixedColumns - Scrolling on a fixed rightColumn scrolls only that column, not the whole table13.1.2 * Mac OS 10.15.6 - Google Chrome 84.0.4147.125 * Windows 10 Pro
- 2nd Aug 2020Why it is appearing a number (usually Zero) at the last row of the datatables?I have check with Google chrome Dev tools and I