332 results 161-170
- 25th Jul 2010autoedit cells with arrow keys (spreadsheet like)other browsers: - Firefox 3.6.6 - Google Chrome 5.0.375.86 Both of them
- 22nd Jun 2010Server side processing hangs at "Loading data from server"I have the same problem but using Django and Python. JSON is valid and DataTables in Firefox 3.5 accepts it, but in Google Chrome 5 DataTables fails. Any clues?
- 28th Feb 2010Outstanding slowness & number of DOMsby the way, in Google Chrome, it is waaaay faster
- 6th Jan 2010ASP.NET (not MVC) processing problemexplorer 7, Firefox 3.5.6, Google Chrome
- 6th Oct 2009Sorting strings - danish/norwegian not working in Google Chrome as well. Here is
- 24th Jul 2009fnReloadAjax issueable to get from Google chrome. My code is working
- 3rd Jun 2009Reset checkboxes after form is submitted and getting back to the table pageUpdate: the problem is not occuring in Google Chrome, checkboxes remain checked after getting back to the table page. Any ideas so far? Really need to fix that. Thanks
- 26th Apr 2009Other jquery plugin working only on the first pageOk. It works on Google Chrome, very slowly though. It
- 17th Mar 2024Cannot use DataTables at all: got Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not definedvendors.php:279 output is $('.data-table').DataTable(); Google Chrome 122. Is it DataTables
- 1st Feb 2024Fixed columns table header borders alignment issue with table body borderscss code using the google chrome inspector but with no