Export and PDF Buttons no longer working
by RAWaddell ·$('#show-entries').DataTable( { dom: 'frtipB', stateSave: true, buttons: [ { extend: 'csvHtml5', text: 'Export to CSV', exportOptio -
Disable or Hide Buttons if User Does Not Have Access
by chaz ·$('#show-entries').DataTable( { -
SaveState Not Working
by RAWaddell ·} }); $('#show-entries').DataTable( { dom: 'frtipB', stateSave: true, buttons: [ { extend: 'csvHtml5', text: 'Export to C -
SaveState Not Working
by RAWaddell ·$('#show-entries').DataTable( { dom: 'Bfrtip', stateSave: true, buttons: [ { extend: 'csvHtml5', text: 'Export to CSV', exp -
Disable or Hide Buttons if User Does Not Have Access
by RAWaddell ·tblDT = $('#show-entries').DataTable(); console.log ('isAdmin: ' + isAdmin); if(isAdmin === "1"){ tblDT.button( 0 ).enable( true ); tblDT.button( 1 ).enable( true ) -
Disable or Hide Buttons if User Does Not Have Access
by RAWaddell ·$('#show-entries').DataTable( { dom: 'Bfrtip', buttons: [ { extend: 'csvHtml5', text: 'Export to CSV', exportOptions: { -
Looping through selected records not working
by RAWaddell ·// Procees selected records as paid button click $('#processAsPaid').click(function() { var idArray = []; var dtTable = $('#show-entries').DataTable(); / -
How to make a row read-only based on value from another column in the table?
by kthorngren ·if(this.checked) { //checked here $('#show-entries').DataTable().rows(function ( idx, data, node ) { return $(node).find('td:first-child').hasClass('select-enab -
How to make a row read-only based on value from another column in the table?
by RAWaddell ·} $(document).ready(function() { $('#show-entries').DataTable( { "language": { "search": "Filter records:" }, columns: [ -
How to make a row read-only based on value from another column in the table?
by kthorngren ·$('#show-entries').DataTable().rows('.select-enabled').select(); -
Looping through selected records not working
by kthorngren ·Well, you are going to kick yourself but you forgot the # sign for your table selector in line 84. Should be var dtTable = $('#show-entries').DataTable();. -
How to make a row read-only based on value from another column in the table?
by RAWaddell ·// Select All button $('#selectAll').click(function() { if(this.checked) { //checked here $('#show-entries').DataTable().rows().select(); //console.log -
Looping through selected records not working
by RAWaddell ·$(document).ready(function() { $('#show-entries').DataTable( { "language": { "search": "Filter records:" }, columns: [ -
How to make a row read-only based on value from another column in the table?
by RAWaddell ·$(document).ready(function() { $('#show-entries').DataTable( { "language": { "search": "Filter records:" }, columns: [ -
Using DataTables for the first time - help needed
by RAWaddell ·var cantCheck ="cantCheck"; $('#show-entries').DataTable( { "language": { "search": "Filter records:" }, columns: [ -
Using DataTables for the first time - help needed
by RAWaddell ·{ //checked here $('#show-entries .unchecked-list').prop('checked', true); $('#show-entries .unchecked-list').attr('class', 'checklist'); } else -
Using DataTables for the first time - help needed
by kthorngren ·$('#show-entries tbody').on('click', '.printrec', function () { var id = $(this).attr("id"); var data = $('#show-entries').DataTable().row( id ).data(); console.log(data.Last_Name, dat -
Using DataTables for the first time - help needed
by kthorngren ·table and add new rows $('#show-entries').DataTable().clear().draw(); $('#show-entries').DataTable().rows.add(dataSet).draw(); // Add -
Using DataTables for the first time - help needed
by RAWaddell ·} $('#show-entries').append('\ '+dataSet[i]["ID"]+'\ '+dataSet[i]["Year"]+'\ -
Using DataTables for the first time - help needed
by kthorngren ·In that case you don't want to move the init code into the ajax call. In this case you could try using rows().invalidate(). After the for loop try using $('#show-entries').DataTable().rows().invalid