Interrupting a page/sort to query the user

Interrupting a page/sort to query the user

CodeWarriorCodeWarrior Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited March 2013 in General
Our tables are populated with checkboxed items.

When the user pages (or sorts) when any items are checked, we want to ask the user via a jQueryUI Dialog box if they want to navigate away (and lose their changes) or stay on the page.

Initially this seemed like it would be simple and re-usable (i.e. I could house the dialog code in such a way that a number of datatables instances could call it, but now I am unsure. Currently, I have the following specified in my dataTable options:

"fnPreDrawCallback" : function(table) {
if (CullAddress.AddressIsChecked()) {
var $warningDiv = $('div#pageWarning');
var warningText = "One or more Addresses are selected for Excluding or Tagging. Are you sure you wish to nvaigate away?";
resizable: false,
height: "auto",
width: "auto",
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Leave Page": function () {
"Stay On Page": function () {
return false;


I realize this is not the way javascript works. I have been too long in client coding. It is my understanding that what I am going to have to do is initially get arguments regarding the request (offset, pageSize, sSortDir, iSortCol, etc) popup the dialog, evaluate the user input, and re-call the page or sort operation if necessary. Is this correct? Seems like this should be easier than I am making it.


  • CodeWarriorCodeWarrior Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Got support from StackOverflow.
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