Expand/Collapse Rows with fixedColumns extension

Expand/Collapse Rows with fixedColumns extension

funandlearningfunandlearning Posts: 4Questions: 0Answers: 0


I am trying to implement the following functionality

1) I am hiding some rows using DT_RowClass and display:none for that class
2) Using fixedColumns

The issue I am facing is, when I am trying to show hidden rows, the expanded rows do not align with the already visible rows. Here is the link to an example http://plnkr.co/edit/sNDabNpzSpRGGLbO9CBL?p=preview

Looks like datatable is cloning all the rows just for fixed columns , and when I am expanding the hidden rows, all the columns for hidden rows are displayed under the fixed columns. What is the best way to overcome this issue?



  • funandlearningfunandlearning Posts: 4Questions: 0Answers: 0

    I solved this one by getting all the rows all at once through the sql query and in the query specify a column which identifies the row as parent and child. In my server side code, using conditional statements, I assigned a different class for child rows using DT_RowClass, and use jquery to hide/show those rows.

    Fixedcolumns really messes up the table by not aligning the headers with rest of the rows. This I solved by using fixedtable and specifying a width for the headers.

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