Compute a value from the javasript source dynamically and display the value using Jquery Datatable

Compute a value from the javasript source dynamically and display the value using Jquery Datatable

krn1231krn1231 Posts: 9Questions: 4Answers: 0

Is it possible to display an extra column under Jquery Datatables by name SubPrice and add sorting to it dynamically which is based on javascript source input values Total - Price in JSON ??

This is my javascript source

var json = [
    "Name": "ONE",
    "Price": "12" ,
    "Total" : "120"
    "Name": "TWO",
    "Price": "100",
     "Total" : "500"
    "Name": "THREE",
    "Price": "42" ,
     "Total" : "300"

 var table =   $('#kiran').dataTable(
      "order": [
        [1, "desc"]
      "paging": false,
     "aaData": json,
      "aoColumns": [
        { "mDataProp": "Name" },
        { "mDataProp": "Price" }


setInterval (function test() {
       }, 3000);


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