Inserting rows in middle of table

Inserting rows in middle of table

msand01msand01 Posts: 54Questions: 24Answers: 1

I am attempting to insert a row in the middle of my datatable, utilizing the first column as the sort order - eventually i would like to hide this column. It appears to work initially; however subsequent inserts (or deletes) reveal (I suspect) that the underlying cache hasn't in fact been updated, since the rows no longer appear in the correct order. I am obviously missing something but have been unable to fix it myself.
I have an example here:


  • msand01msand01 Posts: 54Questions: 24Answers: 1

    Maybe this is not possible?

    It does appear to work, but if you try to delete a row after adding, the added rows go back to the bottom.

    Here is the pertinent code code from the above live site:

            testTable = $('#test-table').DataTable({
                "data": dataForDataTables,
                "destroy": true,
                "pageLength": 25,
                "columns": [
                    { "data": "SortIndex" },
                    { "data": "DataGroup", "orderable": false },
                    { "data": "Number1", "orderable": false },
                    { "data": "Number2", "orderable": false },
                    { "data": "Label1", "orderable": false },
                    { "data": "Label2", "orderable": false },
                    { "data": "Delete", "orderable": false, "render": delete_icon },
                    { "data": "Insert", "orderable": false, "render": add_icon }
            $('#test-table tbody').on('click', 'i.glyphicon-plus-sign', function (event) {
                var insertedRowIndex = testTable.row($(this).parents('tr')).index();
                var lastRowIndex = - 1;
                //re-number sortIndex column to reflect added row 
                $.each(testTable.rows().data(), function (i, row) {
                    var firstCell = testTable.cell(i, 0);
                    if (i < insertedRowIndex) {
                    else if (i >= insertedRowIndex && i != lastRowIndex) {
               + 1);
                    else if (i == lastRowIndex) {
                testTable.order([0, 'asc']).draw();         
    function addRow() {
            "DataGroup": $("#select-data").val(),
            "Number1": "",
            "Number2": "",
            "Label1": "",
            "Label2": ""
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