fnReloadAjax not passed the oSettings

fnReloadAjax not passed the oSettings

mrullomrullo Posts: 5Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited September 2012 in DataTables 1.9
Folks, I've been racking my brain, the forums, and anywhere Google reaches over this for 2 days now and I think I've finally come up with what is happening, but I'm not sure about the why.

I have to apologize, I'm not able to use a DataTables live as I'm working with data that I can't let out of the walls of my org. If you determine that's the only way I can get an answer on this, I'll have to mock up a boatload of data.

I have the latest version of fnReloadAjax from http://datatables.net/plug-ins/api . I have a 7ish datatables in 7 tabs within my page. When I hit the tab for the first time, I create the datatable, pulling my data from the server. All that works great. This seems like a recent issue since I've recently gone to jQuery 1.8.2 and DataTables 1.9.3 .

What I've tracked it down to is in _fnExternApiFunc when building the args list to send to fnReloadAjax, it's not able to get the oSettings from _fnExternApiFunc. It seems that in _fnSettingsFromNode, the DataTable.settings[i].nTable === nTable will always be false.

I'll include the code from one of my table initializations to see if that sparks any conversation over the issue.

I figure that I'm saving a reference to the datatable in _dataTable, then in reloadData I'm using that reference to call fnReloadAjax. I don't want to change the location of the server call, so I pass in undefined, then I do need to use the callback after fnReloadAjax has been called.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.



var po = po || {};

po.TBS = function () {

//Private properties

// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
var _dataTable,
_statusList = [],

// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming


init = function (tabContext, dataUrl, confirmedFormUrl, updateAptTypeUrl) {

_tabContext = tabContext;
_dataURL = dataUrl;
_confirmedFormURL = confirmedFormUrl;
_updateAptTypeURL = updateAptTypeUrl;

//Create the accordion for the form up top
_accordion = $(".dialogAccordion", _tabContext).accordion(po.Common.DialogHeaderAccordionDefaults);

var localGridSettings = {
//"bAutoWidth": true,
//Setup the columns
"aoColumns": [
{ "sTitle": "MRN", "mDataProp": "MRN" },
{ "sTitle": "Patient Name", "mDataProp": "PatientName" },
{ "sTitle": "Procedure", "mDataProp": "Procedure" },
{ "sTitle": "Surgeon", "mDataProp": "Surgeon", "sWidth": '150px' },
{ "sTitle": "Date Req'd", "mDataProp": "RequestedDate", "sType": "date" },
{ "sTitle": "Diagnosis", "mDataProp": "Diagnosis", "sWidth": '150px' },
{ "sTitle": "Visits", "mDataProp": "ClinicVisits", "sWidth": '60px' },
"sTitle": "Apt. Type"
, "mDataProp": "AppointmentType"
, "bUseRendered": false
"aaSorting": [[5, 'desc']], //Sort by Surgical Date Requested
"fnRowCallback": function (nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {

//setup the chart dialog passing the row's information to the dialog
$(".dialogUp", nRow)
.click(function () {
//Load the patient chart in the modal area
po.Common.LoadPatientChart(_chartDialog, aData.MRN);

//Load up the content for the patient header
po.Common.LoadPatientHeader(_accordion, aData.MRN);

//Load up the content for the To Be Confirmed Form in the modal dialog.
LoadContent("#TBConfirmedForm", _confirmedFormURL, { mrn: aData.MRN, preOpDataID: aData.PreOpDataID }, function () {
//We've loaded up the form, now we have to wire it up.
wireupForm(aData, "#TBConfirmedForm");
//log("resize the accordion");
//open the dialog


//Setup the surgical Booking form for this tab
po.Common.SurgBookingFormAction(".SurgBookingFormAction", nRow, aData);


return nRow;
, "fnInitComplete": function (oSettings, json) {

//Now that the data has been processed from the server, add a click on the image
//to expand the row. We'll have to do this again after reloading the data.
po.Common.WireupExpandingRows($('.expandRow', _tabContext), _dataTable, formatExpandingRow, afterFormatExpandingRow);

, "fnServerParams": function (aoData) {
aoData.push({ name: 'Tab', value: 'TBS' });

//Merge the local settings, specific to this grid, with the common settings we want all grids to have.
var gridSettings = po.Common.MergeGridSettings(localGridSettings);

_dataTable = $('#DataTable', _tabContext).dataTable(gridSettings);

ShowMessage("Loading the tab");

//Setup the modal dialog
var wWidth = $(window).width();
var wHeight = $(window).height();

_chartDialog = $("#Dialog", _tabContext).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
height: wHeight * .9,
width: wWidth * .9,
modal: true

//Wires up the to be Confirmed form button. Pass in the context so we don't mess up any other instances of this form.
wireupForm = function (rowData, context) {
//We've loaded up the form, now we have to wire it up.

$(".TBConfirmedFormSave", context).button().click(function () {
//ShowMessage("Mock: Sending message to server to save the form.");
updateStatus(rowData.PreOpDataID, $("#AppointmentTypeID", context).val(), $("#AppointmentTypeConfirmed", context).is(':checked'));


//close the dialog
//log("resize the accordion");

reloadData = function () {
//Reload the data in the table
_dataTable.fnReloadAjax(undefined, function () {
//We have to re-wrie the expanding row because we've just refreshed the data and
//all the elements have been deleted and re-created
po.Common.WireupExpandingRows($('.expandRow', _tabContext), _dataTable, formatExpandingRow, afterFormatExpandingRow);
}, null);

/* Formating function for row details */
formatExpandingRow = function (oTable, row) {
var aData = oTable.fnGetData(row);
var sOut = "This is the container";
return sOut;

/* Callback once the expanding row has been added to the DOM*/
afterFormatExpandingRow = function (oTable, row) {
var rowData = oTable.fnGetData(row);
$(row).next().children(".TBConfirmedFormContainer").css("background", "red");
var expandedRow = $(row).next();

LoadContent($(".TBConfirmedFormContainer", expandedRow)
, _confirmedFormURL
, { mrn: rowData.MRN, PreOpDataID: rowData.PreOpDataID }
, function () {
//We've loaded up the form, now we have to wire it up.
wireupForm(rowData, expandedRow);
//log("Callback from AfterFormatTConfirmedExpandingRow");

return {
//Property as a method because JS does not support references
DataTable: function () { return _dataTable; },

Init: init,
UpdateStatus: updateStatus,
GetAptTypeList: getAptTypeList,
WireupForm: wireupForm,
ReloadData: reloadData,
FormatExpandingRow: formatExpandingRow,
AfterFormatExpandingRow: afterFormatExpandingRow,
StatusList: _statusList
} ();



  • allanallan Posts: 63,133Questions: 1Answers: 10,399 Site admin
    > $('#DataTable', _tabContext)

    That looks iffy to me. It suggests that you have multiple elements with the same ID which is not valid HTML. IDs absolutely must be unique - what happens when they are not unique is undetermined (indeed as a whole DataTables expects valid HTML).

    I'd suggest making them unique and seeing how that goes.

  • mrullomrullo Posts: 5Questions: 0Answers: 0

    Thank you for the quick feedback. I'll change the table elements to classes and see if that has any affect. I'll report back shortly.

  • mrullomrullo Posts: 5Questions: 0Answers: 0

    Your comments were EXACTLY what I needed. It was indeed having multiple ID elements of the same name. I thought I could do that if I had a context, but I'm obviously wrong.


  • allanallan Posts: 63,133Questions: 1Answers: 10,399 Site admin
    Excellent to hear - thanks for the feedback.

This discussion has been closed.