Elipsis and IE 9

Elipsis and IE 9

keegerkeeger Posts: 9Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited November 2012 in DataTables 1.9
I have a table which has a very wide column. I am attempting to fix the width, show an ellipsis and use a tooltip to display the full text on a hover action.

This is a css thing really. I set the width (min, max, and current) set it to nowrap, set text-overflow to ellipsis, and overflow to hidden and voila. Works great in chrome.

However in IE 9, it does not work. I have confirmed the CSS works in IE 9 on a div element. But it does not work inside the datatable. I've even used !important hacks on the css attributes but it does not appear to work.


I managed a work around that surprisingly works in IE. This occurred to me while I was playing with the datatables live for this post.


But I don't understand what is going on that prevented this from working in the normal way on IE? It works fine in Chrome! As you can see though, it's some interaction between DataTables and IE when I am trying to use the class on the TD.
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