dataTable display problem when using jQuery slideToggle to show/hide a table in IE7

dataTable display problem when using jQuery slideToggle to show/hide a table in IE7

JCDevJCDev Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited January 2013 in General
I have a small accordian style div that when clicked uses jQuery slideToggle() to show a hidden dataTable. Everything looks great in most browsers but displays funny in IE7. I have a jsFiddle that shows the problem:

Basically, when you click the div header, the datatable immediately pops in front of everything while my div below slides down behind it. I've played with z-index a bit with no luck. Any tips or pointers would be much appreciated. I basically need a way to push the dataTable behind the rest of the divs on the page while retaining the sort functionality.


  • JCDevJCDev Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I should also mention that everything works as great in IE7 if you use a standard table and don't initialize dataTables.
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