server side for main column, client side filtering returned data

server side for main column, client side filtering returned data

ejhejh Posts: 17Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited June 2013 in General
I am new to Data Tables. This is by far the best data grid that I have seen. Thank You.

Background: I am using a MySQL database. I am indexing the events first by date (year-month-date), then by the person involved, and finally by location. There is other data that I log that relate what happened (open/closed, accepted/denied, flagged, etc.). There are anywhere from 100 to 500 events that I log each year.

I am using PHP Data Objects (PDO) to access a MySQL database. I am using PDO for security and to prevent injection.

What I am trying to do: When using Data Tables to display the data, I want to make the "most important category" query AND the "submit form search box" on the SERVER side. The 3 most important categories are: year, person involved, and location. Then on the CLIENT side, I would like Data Tables to filter, sort, display the data returned from the server side.

My reasons for using server side AND client side: The database may become very large when there is data from many years. Usually the most recent year is what I am concerned with. Once the data is (initially) filtered, then for security reasons, I will allow the client side filter, sort display, etc. the returned data.

Any recommendations, thoughts, or questions are greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
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