Updates to web-site

Updates to web-site

allanallan Posts: 63,145Questions: 1Answers: 10,403 Site admin
edited April 2010 in Announcements
Hello all,

It's been in the works for a while now, but I've finally completed a number of updates to the DataTables web-site and the documentation available on it.

In summary:

- There is now a site wide search (at the top of each page)!
- Support requests now have their own request form / page
- The home page has a "news" section
- Each plug-in page now has a "how to" section to ease introduction to plug-ins
- Various other tidy ups

In a bit more detail:

Site wide search - this makes searching the site much easier thanks to Google custom search. The engine also indexes the forum, so relevant questions and answers will be displayed alongside the main documentation.

Support requests - while still not a formal process (I prefer an open and accessible one!) this does make requesting support for a specific problem with DataTables much easier. Simply enter your question in a forum thread, and then fill in the support form with the thread ID and a donation amount you feel is suitable for your question. The thread will show up in my session (not publicly) as paid for support - thus allow me to give it priority.

DataTables news - On the DataTables index page there is now a 'news' listing where I will post links to the various blogs around the web which are highlighting DataTables and doing interesting things with it. Please let me know if you have written about DataTables so I can include it in the news:
- News page: http://datatables.net/news
- News feed: feed://datatables.net/rss_news.xml

Plug-in "how to" - In order to make the various plug-ins a little more accessible for first time users of DataTables, each plug-ins page now includes a "now to" section describing how the plug-in type can be integrated with your web-site. For example here is the API "how to": http://datatables.net/plug-ins/api#how_to

I hope you all find these changes useful!

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