Loading static data into a DataTable

Loading static data into a DataTable

KhthulhuKhthulhu Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited November 2013 in General
OK, I'm a bit confused. I installed and followed the directions for the most basic example, but I get a table that is trying (and failing) to get data from an external php source. This looks like a great API and toolset but when I used the Generator to create a basic table, there wasn't an option to use the data already in the table, nor was there an option to use Javascript array or anything other than a database (MySQL (PHP-PDO), PostGreSql (PHP-PDO), and SQLite (PHP-PDO) being the only data source options) yet there is an example called "DOM sourced table (not Ajax)" on the examples page. The source code references a php page ("ajaxUrl": "php/browsers_array.php"). I don't have access to the server, there won't be live data for my project. So how do I get the DataTable to ignore any reference to an external php page and ONLY get data that's already on the table, or reference an XML file, or a javascript array or some other local (as in, on my machine with no web server) data source? I can't post a URL since this is an internal app I'm building.
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