dataTables update breaks $.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering - simple test case attached

dataTables update breaks $.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering - simple test case attached

afarberafarber Posts: 53Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited February 2014 in DataTables 1.9

With jQuery delivered by Google CDN and dataTables delivered by Microsoft CDN I have the following page, where 3 checkboxes allow toggling good, bad, neutral comments about some user.


My problem is:

With dataTables 1.9.2 this works well:

With dataTables 1.9.4 this does not work:

The problematic code is probably here:

function(oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) {
if ('comments_table' == {

var nice = aData[3];

if (nice == true)
return $('#good_box').is(':checked');

if (nice == false)
return $('#bad_box').is(':checked');

return $('#neutral_box').is(':checked');

return true;

The console.dir(aData); prints for dataTables 1.9.2 a 4-elements array and I can grab its last element (shown by the red arrow in the above screenshot).

But for dataTables 1.9.4 it only prints a 1-element array for some reason. Why?

Below is a copy of my simple test case, please exchange 1.9.4 for 1.9.2 to see the difference:

<!DOCTYPE html>

a img.good {
border: 3px solid #009900;

a img.bad {
border: 3px solid #FF3333;

a img.neutral {
border: 3px solid #9999FF;

var ME = "";

$(function() {

function(oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) {
if ('comments_table' == {

var nice = aData[3];

if (nice == true)
return $('#good_box').is(':checked');

if (nice == false)
return $('#bad_box').is(':checked');

return $('#neutral_box').is(':checked');

return true;

$('#good_box,#bad_box,#neutral_box').click(function() {

var commentsTable = $('#comments_table').dataTable({
bJQueryUI: true,
sPaginationType: 'full_numbers',
bProcessing: true,
bDeferRender: true,
aaData: [
{"day":"17.02.2014","about":"A neutral comment about this user","nice":null,"female":false,"author":"OK250354887500","rep_id":960962,"avatar":ME},{"day":"30.11.2013","about":"A positive comment about this user","nice":true,"female":false,"author":"DE10859","avatar":ME},{"day":"23.11.2013","about":"A positive comment about this user","nice":true,"female":false,"author":"OK100836631753","avatar":ME},{"day":"01.04.2013","about":"A positive comment about this user","nice":true,"female":false,"author":"DE8547","avatar":ME},{"day":"29.03.2013","about":"A NEGATIVE comment about this user","nice":false,"female":false,"author":"OK462728443459","rep_id":734122,"avatar":ME},{"day":"26.03.2013","about":"A positive comment about this user","nice":true,"female":true,"author":"DE10472","avatar":ME},{"day":"24.03.2013","about":"A positive comment about this user","nice":true,"female":true,"author":"DE9454","avatar":ME},{"day":"22.03.2013","about":"A NEGATIVE comment about this user","nice":false,"female":false,"author":"DE6294","rep_id":727815,"avatar":ME},{"day":"04.02.2013","about":"A neutral comment about this user","nice":null,"female":false,"author":"VK119456690","rep_id":683816,"avatar":ME}
fnInitComplete: function () { this.fnAdjustColumnSizing(); },
aaSorting: [[0, 'desc']],
aoColumns: [
/* 0: day */ { mDataProp: 'day', bSearchable: false, bSortable: true, bVisible: true },
/* 1: about */ { mDataProp: 'about', bSearchable: true, bSortable: false, fnRender: renderAbout },
/* 2: avatar */ { mDataProp: 'avatar', bSearchable: false, bSortable: false, fnRender: renderAvatar },
/* 4: nice */ { mDataProp: 'nice', bSearchable: false, bSortable: false, bVisible: false }

function renderAbout(obj) {
var about = obj.aData['about'];
var rep_id = obj.aData['rep_id'];

if (rep_id) {
return '«' + about + '» delete';

return '«' + about + '»';

function renderAvatar(obj) {
var avatar = obj.aData['avatar'];
var author = obj.aData['author'];
var nice = obj.aData['nice'];

if (author) {
var cls = 'neutral';
if (nice == true)
cls = 'good';
else if (nice == false)
cls = 'bad';

return '';

return '';




Thank you


  • allanallan Posts: 63,133Questions: 1Answers: 10,399 Site admin
    Hi Alex,

    That took me a little while to figure out - well found! I can't quite decide if this is a bug or not... The result you are seeing this problem is because you have `bSearchable: false` on all but one column. With the searchable false being false for the column, the data isn't obtained for the filter, since it can't be filtered!

    So its kind of a bug in 1.9.2 (and earlier). But at the same time, the behaviour in 1.9.4 is really not all that useful... What you really want is the original data source object.

    This error is also present in 1.10, and I'm very much included to change how it works to simply pass in the data source object. That might break some scripts which rely upon this quirk though...

    I'm very my in favour of calling this a bug and fixing it in 1.10 - but let me sleep on it.

  • afarberafarber Posts: 53Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Thank you, Allan!

    So as workaround I've made the "nice" column searchable too and then went for

    var nice = aData[1];

  • afarberafarber Posts: 53Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Here is the real page (the comments table is at the bottom):
  • allanallan Posts: 63,133Questions: 1Answers: 10,399 Site admin
    See that's the tricky thing - I'm going to break that if I "fix" this, since index 1 won't be correct any more.

    Perhaps I should give up and just pass in both forms, although I would be nice to remove the code that exists currently. I'm trying to shave about 1-2K from the size before the 1.10 release...

  • allanallan Posts: 63,133Questions: 1Answers: 10,399 Site admin
    I've committed the change for this into 1.10: . I've removed the part which chops out the columns which aren't visible - that was a bug as it went again the documentation ("2. array - data for the row in question. Array is indexed by column"), and I've added a fourth parameter - the raw data source object for the row.

    This might cause an issue if you have used bVisible such as in this case and the indexes might be off, but int he majority of cases, I don't think it will be an issue. I'll mention it in the upgrade notes.

    Thanks for flagging this up.

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