Stringing together two values in mData

Stringing together two values in mData

filmdcfilmdc Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited August 2014 in Free community support


Can I have some help on the following:

I'm trying to combine two map coordinate columns, column 1 with column 2 in the following way:

    "aoColumnDefs": [ {
      "aTargets": [ 1 ],
      "mData": row[1], "," row[2],
      "mRender": function ( data, type, full ) {
        return '<a href=GOOGLE MAP LINK' +data+  'END OF LINK'">View</a>';

My problem is I cant get the mData to work. I don't know how to string together the columns together for mData.

"mData": row[1], "," row[2],

I saw this example from Alan two years ago:

mData: null,
mRender: function (data, type, row) {
return row.City +', '+ row.State;

but that does not work for me either ( I have a feeling its not including some basic stuff).

I know I must be missing something simple, and I'm not real familiar with the language.


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