Messes up tables after editing

Messes up tables after editing

OlanOlan Posts: 41Questions: 11Answers: 1

Still truggeling with this tabel....
No errors and the table displayes almost the correct data.
When I edit a row it also messes up the Team table by deleting the name from it. Team table should be untouched.

the tables i used for the join array looks like:

Member table:


TeamLink table:


Team table:


the code i have now is:

var editor;
$(document).ready(function() {
    editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
        ajax: "table.User.php",
        table: "#Member",
        fields: [{
                label: "User:",
                name: ""
                label: "Label:",
                name: "Member.label"
                label: "Description:",
                name: "Member.description"
                label: "Email:",
                name: ""
                label: "Discipline:",
                name: "Member.symbol",
                type: "select"
                label: "Team:",
                name: "Member.teamKey",
                type: "select"
                label: "Teamleader:",
                name: "Member.teamleader",
                type: "select",
                ipOpts: [
                        "label": "Yes",
                        "value": "1"
                        "label": "No",
                        "value": "0"

                label: "User.userKey:",
                name: "User.userKey"
                label: "Member.userKey:",
                name: "Member.userKey"
                label: "Team Read:",
                name: "Team[].teamKey",
                type: "checkbox"
    } );

    editor.on( 'onInitEdit', function () {
    } );
    $('#Member').DataTable( {
        dom: "Tfrtip",
        order: [[ 0, "asc" ]],
        ajax: "table.User.php",
        columns: [
            { data: "" },
            { data: "Member.label" },
            { data: "Member.description" },
            { data: "" },
            { data: "Discipline.icon",
              mRender: function ( data ) {
                return '<img src="../disciplineManagement/'+data+'" width="30" height="30"></>';
            { data: "Member.teamKey"},
            { data: "Member.teamleader",
              mRender: function( data ) {
                if (data === '1') {
                    return 'Yes';
                } else {
                    return 'No';
            { data: "Team", render: "[, ].name" }
        tableTools: {
            sRowSelect: "os",
            sSwfPath: "../DataTables-1.10.2/extensions/TableTools/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf",
            aButtons: [
               // { sExtends: "editor_create", editor: editor },
                { sExtends: "editor_edit",   editor: editor },
                { sExtends: "editor_remove", editor: editor },
                    sExtends: "collection",
                    sButtonText: "Save",
                    sButtonClass: "save-collection",
                    aButtons: [ 'copy', 'csv', 'xls', 'pdf' ]
        initComplete: function ( settings, json ) {
            editor.field( 'Member.teamKey' ).update( json.Team );
            editor.field( 'Member.symbol' ).update( json.Discipline );
            editor.field( 'Team[].teamKey' ).update( json.Team );
    } );
} );
include( "../DataTables-1.10.2/extensions/Editor-1.3.2/php/DataTables.php" );


$data = Editor::inst( $db, 'Member' )
    ->pkey( 'memberKey' )
        Field::inst( '' ),
        Field::inst( 'Member.label' ),
        Field::inst( 'Member.description' ),
        Field::inst( '' ),
        Field::inst( 'Member.symbol' ),
        Field::inst( 'Member.teamKey' ),
        Field::inst( 'Member.teamleader' ),
        Field::inst( '' ),
        Field::inst( 'Discipline.icon' ),
        Field::inst( 'User.userKey' ),
        Field::inst( 'Member.userKey' )
    ->leftJoin( 'Team', 'Team.teamKey', '=', 'Member.teamKey')
    ->leftJoin( 'User', 'User.userKey', '=', 'Member.userKey')
    ->leftJoin( 'Discipline', '', '=', 'Member.symbol')
        Join::inst( 'Team', 'array' )
                array( 'memberKey', 'memberKey' ),
                array( 'teamKey', 'teamKey' ),
                Field::inst( 'teamKey' ),
                Field::inst( 'name' )

if ( ! isset($_POST['action']) ) {
    // Get a list of types for the `select` list
    $data['Team'] = $db
        ->selectDistinct( 'Team', 'teamKey as value, name as label' )
    $data['Discipline'] = $db
        ->query( 'select', 'Discipline' )
                ->get( 'name as value, name as label' )
                ->where( 'name','%_alert%','NOT LIKE' )
echo json_encode( $data );

On line 84 of the js script i have now { data: "Member.teamKey"}, This should be { data: ""}, but because of the use of the join array where i also use the Team table this is not working anymore.

I hope i explained it correctly and the problem can be fixed. I don't see it anymore....


  • allanallan Posts: 63,212Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin

    You have the table Team as both a left join and an array join. I think all bets are off as to what will happen in that situation (I really don't know what would happen and I'm wondering if I should add some error detection for it!).

    Team table should be untouched.

    I think if you remove the left join on Team that should be the case from looking at the code above (although I haven't run it of course, so am only 80% confident!). Let me know how you get on with it.


  • OlanOlan Posts: 41Questions: 11Answers: 1

    Hello Allan,

    after removing the leftjoin Team (and also the field list item the above code is working. but... :-)
    I also need to display the Team name instead of the teamKey (line 84 in the js file). That's why I had also the leftjoin in it (join the Member.teamKey to Team.teamKey) to get the

  • OlanOlan Posts: 41Questions: 11Answers: 1


    Any suggestions how to do this?


  • allanallan Posts: 63,212Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin


    Sorry for the delay in replying - it had slipped off the front page!

    So for the team name, you actually have that information already in the array returned, which should look something like:

    Team: [
      { "teamKey": 1, "name": "Name 1" },
      { "teamKey": 2, "name": "Name 2" },
      { "teamKey": 3, "name": "Name 3" },

    Is that about right?

    In DataTables you can display the names using the array join syntax of the property. So it might look like:

    { data: "Team[, ].name" }

    (that is in the columns array definition btw!).

    That is saying, take the array Team, and join all inner name properties using the separator comma space (you can use whatever you want).

    So with that done - the edit probably still won't be working I guess, but I'm not sure yet as to why that would be. Do you get any errors?

    I'm wondering if it might be easiest for me to try and reproduce the error locally. For that, would you be able to send me a dump of your SQL schema and data, the Javascript (and I've got the PHP from above)? E-mail address is allan @


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