FixedColumns: New plug-in for DataTables - fix columns when scrolling

FixedColumns: New plug-in for DataTables - fix columns when scrolling

allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
edited September 2010 in Announcements
Hello all,

I'm very pleased to be able to release a new plug-in for DataTables called "FixedColumns". When DataTables 1.7 was released, there was a gap in functionality for scrolling tables, that is provided by the FixedHeader plug-in for non-scrolling tables (due to the way that scrolling is implemented). FixedColumns is the plug-in to fill that gap providing the ability to fix (or "freeze") one or more columns to the left hand-side of a scrolling table.

- Example:

- Download:

- FixedHeader:
Some of the functionality provided by FixedColumns overlaps with FixedHeader (i.e. the left hand column freezing). The reason for creating FixedColumns as a compliment to FixedHeader is the significantly different way in which a table is constructed for scrolling by DataTables. FixedHeader will remain a first class plug-in for DataTables. If you want scrolling with a fixed column, use FixedColumns. For non-scrolling tables, use FixedHeader.

- Known limitations:
Absolute positioning is used, so in some browsers which are a little slower (basically everything but Webkit), there can be a little jarring when scrolling. Fixed positioning cannot be used for FixedColumns (unlike FixedHeader where it is used), since the element must be placed relative to other elements, not to the screen.

DataTables and it's plug-ins are made possible by your donations. If you find this software useful, please consider making a donation ( ) so it can continue to be supported and developed.



  • wjshohswjshohs Posts: 29Questions: 0Answers: 0
    1) Download link is not working. 404 - Page not found
    2) If we have several strings into some cells, we have a bug with fixed columns rendering - because they could render like 1 string and the height of the fixed columns and the height of all other columns are different in such case

    3) I wanted to ask. Is it possible to move scroll bar to the top of the table? I didn't see in examples how to do it for it, because it'is not in DOM nodes
  • allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
    1. Sorry about that - there was a typo in the link above :-(. Thanks for letting me know!

    2. Could you post an example of that please? I did consider that when writing the code, but felt that since the column text should be the same as the text in the table, the height should be the same. Although - thinking about it, if it's a cell further on in the table which causes the height to increase - then you'd get this issue. Yup - bug here...

    3. Basically no, it's not possible since its position is dictated by the browser's (and therefore the OS's) widgets. The scrolling element is just a div with overflow: auto, so the browser will put in automatic scrollbars. It is actually possible to trick the browser by putting in other elements and some clever Javascript handling of it - but it's messy...

  • wjshohswjshohs Posts: 29Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited September 2010
    test example - [cuted]
  • allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
    Super thanks for that. The fix should actually be very simple, and it works great in Safari. But I simply can't get it working correctly in Firefox... For some reason it is adding and subtracting the odd pixel here and there from the assigned heights, and it's very frustrating. Needs more work...

  • wjshohswjshohs Posts: 29Questions: 0Answers: 0
    in IE8 and Opera - the same bug as in FF. So try your fix on such browsers too. thnx a lot and get in touch about when fix would correctly work :)
  • allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
    I've not uploaded the fix yet (since it's not working), so not sure how you tried it! I wanted to get it working in Firefox before trying it in IE and Opera...

  • wjshohswjshohs Posts: 29Questions: 0Answers: 0
    and I found 1 more bug with simple Horizontal Scrolling. You could come to the same page - link on what i posted before. You could see that cells are not under the title column tags but they are a little lefter. some render bug
  • wjshohswjshohs Posts: 29Questions: 0Answers: 0
    And one more thing. Did you try to provide something like jquery.history plugin, to use browser's history for all ajax actions?
  • allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
    Regarding your first point, I've not seen that - coudl you post the link again please - it looks like you've removed it.

    With regard to the history plugin, no I've made no attempt to support that kind of thing. I'm not sure how useful it would be for this plugin - but I'm sure it could be implemented if you wanted to do so.

  • wjshohswjshohs Posts: 29Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited September 2010
    2)It could be implemeted only if I make changes to your library, because to support such thing all buttons which generated by your library should also produce not only ajax actions but things like document.location.href = "#fgfdgdgdgdg", and also should be some agent which could parse such url and start the neccessary acton
  • allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
    1. It doesn't look like FixedColumns is currently enabled. However, I believe the issue is caused by the column misalignment - it looks like there isn't enough room to render the table - if you look at the console you'll see a warning from DataTables: "DataTables warning (table id = 'example'): The table cannot fit into the current element which will cause column misalignment. It is suggested that you increase the sScrollXInner property to allow it to draw in a larger area, or simply remove that parameter to allow automatic calculation"

    2. Ah you mean DataTables itself rather than the FixedColumns plug-in. I had always thought about the table as being more or less stateless (although it is possible save the state using cookies), and that it should have no effect on the back button. As a user I'd probably find it a bit frustrating that if I click to sort a column, then it would require two 'back' clicks to go back. Although as I say, I'm sure it would be possible to hack it into DataTables.

  • wjshohswjshohs Posts: 29Questions: 0Answers: 0
    2- yes i mean DataTables itself. And how much time need to hack this into DataTables?
  • allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
    To be honest I'm not sure - I've not investigated it before, so I'm not too sure how the history plug-in for jQuery works. I would imagine that it would be possible to hook into the state saving that DataTables uses (it provides a callback function with which it is possible to customise the settings stored, so at that point you have access to the settings that DataTables is saving for that draw). Assuming that with the history plug-in you can store an arbitrary object for any position in the history (assuming it will generate an anchor hash) and that there is a call back function when a saved history is activated (to restore the DataTables settings from the stored object), I would imagine that it would only take a couple of hours. Assuming of course that my assumptions are correct :-)

  • wjshohswjshohs Posts: 29Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Ecsapt the jquery plugin I found such tool
    is it good for this?
  • allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
    It looks that that would require YUI on top of jQuery. Fair enough, but perhaps more downloading that is necessary for the end user. It looks like this plug-in is well respected for jQuery:

  • baldwindavidbaldwindavid Posts: 14Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Great work on this entire project. I have been evaluating and trying to find out if the DataTables project is intended to be compatible with IE6. I did not see information on targeted browsers, but I probably missed it.

    At least in the case of the FixedColumn plugin, there seems to be multiple issues in IE6. The fixed column headers move with the scrollbar while the others stay fixed. Columns outside the intended visible have headings overflowing to the right outside the area. Upon sorting after a horizontal scroll, the intended fixed headers pop out to the left.

  • allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
    Hi baldwindavid,

    While DataTables itself should be fully compatible with IE6, I've not tested FixedColumn in IE6. I'll have a look at how readily possible it will be to add support for IE6 with this. Part of me is surprised it doesn't work, since it doesn't really do anything all that clever - but then part of me isn't surprised since it is IE6 :-)

  • allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
    Hi baldwindavid,

    I've just committed a fix for the IE6 issue you were seeing: . It will be part of the next release of FixedColumns, but this is it ready to roll :-)

  • baldwindavidbaldwindavid Posts: 14Questions: 0Answers: 0
    That's great. Thanks Alan. I did note that there is still the same issue with the footer in the examples including a footer. I got those displaying correctly by changing the two instances of this.dom.footer.parentNode (lines 171 and 299) to this.dom.footer.parentNode.parentNode, but I don't know if that is the preferred solution.

    Best Regards,
    David Baldwin
  • baldwindavidbaldwindavid Posts: 14Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Sorry...that should have been "Thanks Allan" (rather than Alan). I am also running into an issue with stacked headers (when using this FixedColumn plugin) in every browser. Suppose I have stacked column headers like this...


    Rendering engine
    CSS grade

    Engine version


    In newer browsers, instead of fixing only the "Rendering engine" column, it also places the "Platform(s)" column and fixes it to the right of the single intended fixed column. This is presumably because this is the first column of the second row in the header. It also has a gap below the fixed column headers and the tbody, but that may be due to the aforementioned issue. In IE6, I assume the same would happen, but I get a runtime error on page load "Line: 315 - Error: '' is null or not an object"

    Best regards,
    David Baldwin
  • allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
    Hi David,

    I've just committed a fix for the footer issue as well, which can also now be picked up from the link above. Basically the issue appears to be with IE6 and having position: relative, and overflow: hidden on the same element - ouch. Fortunately the DOM is already in a suitable arrangement where by FixedColumns can apply the position: relative to a different element - which is what the fix is.

    With regard to the issue about the multiple TR elements in the header, I'm not surprised that this doesn't work in any browser at the moment, as I hadn't made any attempt at supporting this kind of behaviour. However, you got me thinking about it with your example HTML there (thanks for that) and with that format (i.e. rowspan on the fixed columns, spanning the number of rows, and no colspan on the fixed columns), it's actually not all that difficult to do. I've just committed a change which will allow this to work for both the header and footer (and in IE6 ;-) ). As noted, there are a couple of limitations (addressing them would require a lot more work I think), but the example above seems to work well.

  • baldwindavidbaldwindavid Posts: 14Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Hi Allan,
    Excellent stuff. You are probably getting sick of me by now, but I did run into another issue. The cloned fixed column does not seem to take into account for text wrapping in columns of the main table. The example below using the "index.html' example file is contrived, but should describe what I mean...


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
    Win 98+ / OSX.2+


    In this example, the "lorem ipsum" column wraps and takes up additional vertical space. However, the adjacent fixed column does not match this additional space. Thus, this column and all columns below do not line up. This is a very common occurrence in tables with a lot of columns, which is also the most common use case for this plugin. Does that make sense?

    Best Regards,
    David Baldwin
  • allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
    Agreed - this is what wjshohs was talking about in the comments above. In principle the fix should be easy - but for some reason I just can't get Firefox to play nice - it's most frustrating... And needs more investigation.

  • baldwindavidbaldwindavid Posts: 14Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Ah, yeah. I read through that at one point, but apparently didn't realize what they were talking about until I saw it for myself. So, I'm assuming this is caused by the clone taking place prior to the browser's text wrapping behavior.

    Best Regards,
    David Baldwin
  • wjshohswjshohs Posts: 29Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Allan, a little bit out topic, but is it possible with the standart manual procedure to custumize css styles and custom inputs with datatables library for such table template: ?
  • allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
    @David: The problem is basically that when I remove the cells which aren't needed for the fixed column (i.e. all cells in the cloned table other than the first TD child of each TR) it removes the cells which are giving the height to the row - and thus the row collapses to the height of just the text which is now in it.

    So the fix is to copy the height from the original table rows, to the cloned table rows, which is fine until it is tried in Firefox... For whatever reason, Firefox appears to add 1px to some rows, and not to others - you can see the effect in this picture: . It causes vertical scrolling to occur, and just slight misalignment. I can't figure out why, nor can I reproduce it in a simpler scenario. Hence - frustrating...

    @wjshohs: Yes DataTables could be styled to look like that. It would need a but of work to get the styling and element positioning exactly right, and I'm not sure what 'select columns' is (a bit like ColVis?), but in principle certainly do-able. The styling section of the site explains the classes and elements DataTables adds to the table and how you can control them: .

  • baldwindavidbaldwindavid Posts: 14Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I hear ya...nothing more frustrating than random browser behavior. But the solution you mention about taking it down to a 1-pixel discrepancy, while not perfect, sounds a lot better than the 50px difference right now. :)

    Best Regards,
    David Baldwin
  • allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
    Heh - this is true! Although it does annoyingly make the vertical scrollbar appear... The code for this "fix" is actually committed, just commented out - the line "$(this).height( $('tbody tr:eq('+k+')', that.dom.body).height() );" - just uncomment it and it will apply the heights. Works great in Safari...

  • baldwindavidbaldwindavid Posts: 14Questions: 0Answers: 0
    The world would be a much better place if we were all using Safari! Unfortunately, 95% of my users use IE...and 75% of those are still on IE6. Ugh! Of course, IE6 does something completely different. Best I can tell is that it increases the height of every fixed column based upon the height of the tallest column in the main table.???

    Best Regards,
    David Baldwin
  • allanallan Posts: 63,237Questions: 1Answers: 10,418 Site admin
    Ah yes - I did actually try that when I was checking the other IE6 issues. What I think is happening is that the line of code there is reading the inner height of the cell, but IE6 is applying it as the outer height (i.e. +padding). I didn't investigate much more, but if that is the case, it means that the script would also need to get the top and bottom padding of the cell - possibly an expensive operation for IE... There might be another option, but I'm not sure what at the moment.

    ~75% of users still using IE6! Ouch...

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