detecting old dataTable() object vs. new DataTable() object

detecting old dataTable() object vs. new DataTable() object

carteriiicarteriii Posts: 25Questions: 1Answers: 0

I'm upgrading an older site from 1.9.x to 1.10.x and have several tables to migrate. I intend to migrate the tables one at a time so I'd like to abstract some of my code to work with both versions. So for example, assume I have both versions initialized such as:

var oldStyle = $('#old').dataTable();
var newStyle = $('#new').DataTable();

Now assume I want to call the same function passing either table...


And now I move onto totally fictitious pseudo-code which demonstrates what I'd like to do. I'd like to be able to test "myTable" to know if it is an old object or a new API object. Note here that I'm using "typeof", which does not work, but I'm just trying to show the concept of what I'd like to do.

function genericFunction(myTable)
  if (typeof(myTable) == "old dataTable jquery object") {
    .... <use old functions>...
  } elseif (typeof(myTable) == "new DataTable API object") {
    .... <use new APIs>

Clearly I can't just use typeof() and get what I want since both are "objects". I have debated about trying to call one style and simply using an exception to catch the error, but it seems like there is probably a cleaner way, more along the lines of typeof().


  • allanallan Posts: 63,205Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin

    You could use instanceof rather than typeof for this:

    if ( myTable instanceof $.fn.dataTable.Api ) {
      ... new API method
    else {
      ... old API

    Going one step further you could detect jQuery style objects (the old API) and convert them to the new if you wanted:

    var api = myTable;
    if ( ! ( myTable instanceof $.fn.dataTable.Api ) ) {
      api = myTable.api();
    ... use new API method


  • carteriiicarteriii Posts: 25Questions: 1Answers: 0

    Allan, you are the best. Thank you. I didn't realize I could just call myTable.api() to get the API object itself from the old table. That's perfect.

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