Updates on future version on Datatables?

Updates on future version on Datatables?

mRendermRender Posts: 151Questions: 26Answers: 13

Hi guys,

Just wondering if there is any news or a blog post coming up soon on any updates for Datatables.

The last blog post was from June and usually they are a bit more frequent. Just wondering what we can expect down the road.



  • allanallan Posts: 63,205Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin

    Plenty coming - if you take a look at the forum you'll see I've not diminished the number of posts I make - to be honest that's part of the problem. I reckon support is about 75% of my time at the moment!

    That being said, I'm working on Editor 1.6 at the moment (which has been part of the reason I've not been blogging recently - side tracked with other things) and DataTables 1.10.13 should drop at the start of December.

    Hopefully I'll get back to blogging more regularly then, but I want to wrap up these releases first.


  • mRendermRender Posts: 151Questions: 26Answers: 13

    Yeah I wanted to discuss general support with you and the state of it at the moment. Is there something that is going to be done to address the amount of responses that happen in the general forums?

    It seems like 75% of your time is waaaaay too high. Maybe something like having a higher standard of forum rules about general help - including a DT debug link, complete and proper formatting, etc...

    I just wanted to get in touch with you about the current state of Datatables because I use it so often that it's nice to see where it's going...and of course I care about SpryMedia!

  • allanallan Posts: 63,205Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin

    Yup - it is absolutely bonkers. At the moment I just don't know how to solve it though. Longer term I'll need to employ someone to help, but it is a chicken and egg problem - more revenue is required to be able to comfortably do that, but for that, I need to release updates and new products.

    DataTables absolutely isn't going anywhere and I've got (what I think are) really nice plans for the next major version that will help address a number of existing pain points (particularly the dom parameter!). But it will just take time I'm afraid.

    What I don't want to end up with is 75% or more of forum posts going unanswered. That would just frustrate everyone!


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